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RE: Midweek plod - 9km

in EXHAUST3 years ago

Ah well there you go! Apps are only random generic programs, so its only ever gonna be a guess.

So I got strava and what do you know, I'm faster than I thought

Whoop whoop! Thats always a plus! Yeah I don't know where you are in the states, but I know theres crazy hot weather over many parts of it at the moment. Exercise when you can, and its totally ok to skip a session or two. It'll cool down eventually

Theres a Hive Group over on strava if you wanted to join?

...but honestly I don't know how neurotic I want to be about it.

it can be easy to obsess over numbers (and strava is full of them). The same goes with weighing scales and calorie counting as well. I do have to occasionally remind myself to step back and see the bigger picture


I could join the group. Why not?

Ultimately I want to learn how to make sense of these numbers and know the balance of food and exercise so I can eat everything and run really fast. In moderation. Of course.