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RE: Midweek plod - 9km

in EXHAUST3 years ago

lol, well you keep doing your normal then, over time you'll get quicker. I think I've said before that speed is relative, and you'd be better focusing on yourself etc. Do you use any apps to record your sessions? I find with strava it allows me to keep track of what I'm doing, and that helps me to improve.

Regarding calories, if we were equal in height and weight, then I'd almost certainly burn a few more calories due to being male. And I'm not particularly tall, so unless you are a midget, then its probably due to me being significantly fatter lol

[Oh and the calorie estimate is only an estimate based on height and weight so your app might be under estimating and my app may be over estimating...]


LOL sooooo. I was logging my exercise on my food tracker and with a step monitor. Turns out I was grossly underestimating my calorie burn, which explains why running kept getting harder and harder since I guess I was netting way under 1,000 calories a day. So I got strava and what do you know, I'm faster than I thought and running got easier! We're in a crazy heat wave right now though and I can only run if it's early and early just doesn't come every day for me.
My cousin has a fitbit and it seems pretty accurate, but honestly I don't know how neurotic I want to be about it. I always tell myself hey, at least I'm doing this...

then its probably due to me being significantly fatter lol

The one advantage to being heavier is a faster calorie burn! Maybe I can get a weighted belt. Laced with testosterone.

Ah well there you go! Apps are only random generic programs, so its only ever gonna be a guess.

So I got strava and what do you know, I'm faster than I thought

Whoop whoop! Thats always a plus! Yeah I don't know where you are in the states, but I know theres crazy hot weather over many parts of it at the moment. Exercise when you can, and its totally ok to skip a session or two. It'll cool down eventually

Theres a Hive Group over on strava if you wanted to join?

...but honestly I don't know how neurotic I want to be about it.

it can be easy to obsess over numbers (and strava is full of them). The same goes with weighing scales and calorie counting as well. I do have to occasionally remind myself to step back and see the bigger picture

I could join the group. Why not?

Ultimately I want to learn how to make sense of these numbers and know the balance of food and exercise so I can eat everything and run really fast. In moderation. Of course.