dannewton just finished a 16.82km run, that lasted for 104 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1226.0 calories.
Description from Strava:
This is a post in 2 parts... the first is the long run on New Years Eve
To be honest, I was lacking a little inspiration on where to run to for this one. I knew I wanted to aim for 3 hours plus, and that can feel pretty boring if the route is uninspiring,
I didn't fancy heading back down to Whisby Nature Park, and definitely wanted to avoid the busy town center. I strongly suspected the path alongside the Water Railway was flooded again due to the recent rain, so I had little choice but to head out down to Navenby again
Note to self: I need to find some new routes for long runs...
Anyway... with a decision sort of made, I headed out
It turned out to be a pleasant run... the weather was warm (ish) and dry, and the sun popped out for a little bit too. A long run should be the easiest run of the week, in terms of effort at least... and I bimbled along quite happily as I ran through each village on the way to Navenby...
And once I arrived there, I did a little loop around the village and then headed back home.
I managed a total of 29km on New Year's Eve, which is a respectable amount I guess, and as it was the last run of the year it brought me to a grand total of 1972km overall. It did mean I was 50km short of my target of 2023km, but nevermind. I know the reason for that shortfall was down to 3 months over the summer with my calf injury, and that if it wasn't for that then I would have beaten it easily.
Well that was yesterday. In reflection the year was pretty frustrating in some areas, but struggling through those difficult summer months have forced me to reassess the training I do, and I'd like to think I'm in a stronger position now than I was a year ago. In short, its been a productive year, running-wise.
And that then leads me onto part 2, with the first run of the year competed today:
It was a shorter one obviously after running the 17 miles yesterday, and I tried to keep it easy as well
One of the biggest lessons I've learnt from last year is to make sure my 'easy' runs are truly easy.
I ran the usual route up and down the bypass, and it was a nice way to start the year on the right foot (and the brilliant sunshine helped with that!)
I'm still working on goals for this year, and working out which races/events I wish to enter... I think the Lincoln 10km would be a good one, just as its local and I haven't taken part in it for a number of years... still looking to narrow down some options for late Summer and Autumn.
Another goal of course is to pick a target for a total didtance to run for the year. I picked 2023 last year, and it was a great motivator to keep getting out and getting the runs done.
This year I am aiming for 3,500km
That sounds like a really big number (and well, it is) but the goal I pick has to be challenging otherwise its pointless. And if you divide it by 52 weeks, then it gives me an average weekly target of 67km, and in the past 8 weeks I've been averaging 70-80km. It is well within my capabilities, if I'm consistent!
And with todays run done, I just have 3483km to go...
...it'll be a piece of cake I'm sure!
And while it will help with the consistency, I still need to start picking races to enter, and I'll update you on that in the coming weeks.
For the runners here, how has your year gone? And what goals do you have for your training this year?
If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:
About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)
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If I may ask, since when did you begin to run everyday?
I see you love running and it is good for the health too though
I stepped up my training in September last year, when I went from 3 days a week to 5 days a week. I still need a couple of rest days to recover/recuperate, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I still think that taking time to rest is important :-)
Happy new 2024 year, Dan. 🎄🎈🎈🎁🎁🎁
Happy New Year @qwerrie! I wish you and all your family all the best for this year
(I'm sure we're going to be in for yet another crazy rollercoaster year!)
Happy new year from this side friend
Welcome to 2024
And you did quite well burning some calories out
Happy New Year @precab! Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year
Wow 1224 calories, that is massive
Thumbs up
Happy new year. The new year has begun and we pray that this year will be a good one for all of us, even though the weather is more of the same in the winter, it's so much better to go outside and chill in the air.
Happy New Year @djbravo, and agreed we are hoping for a better year than 2023! Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year
Happy new year 2024
Happy New Year @lee1938, Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2024
Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
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It seems like you had a nice run :D
Good way to start the New Year, atleast it helps to stay healty!