My 2023 resolution is to do these X-tinction ab exercises every single day

in EXHAUST2 years ago (edited)


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Adding more to the fitness routine 💪

It takes approximately 22 days to form a new habit. This may sound easy enough to create a new routine, but the initial few weeks can be quite difficult. This is especially true for physical exercise.

My favorite fitness YouTube channel is Athlean-X with Jeff Cavaliere. He has been providing useful information for many years, most of which I have been using at the gym consistently for well over a year now. I'm stronger than ever at present time and going to the gym is one of my favorite parts of each day.

One area that I have been neglecting quite a bit is ab exercises. I haven't managed to be consistent with this and now it has become the most difficult part of working out for me. Back when I taught aerial yoga classes around 2017, this was not the case since that job was so ab-intensive. Since then I've packed on quite a bit of muscle, but also some fat. I haven't been able to see my abs in years now. Luckily, I still feel strong and don't mind having the extra weight on my body, I was a bit underweight back then anyway.

One of Athlean-X's latest videos was an ab routine that is perfect for all levels. It claims you'll have a six-pack in 22 days, but obviously, that is not true for everyone. It depends on where you are starting as to how quickly you will have a six-pack, if ever. One thing that is certain for all though is that this is an excellent thing to commit to doing daily.

Here is the full video:

I have already done this for a few days in a row and I can say that it certainly is not easy, but I think pretty much anybody should be able to commit to doing it. Making a public blog post committing I feel is a great way to ensure that I don't give up before I get the routine established. I've got a few weeks before this becomes just another part of the day for me, but I have faith.

If you are curious about which exercises I will be doing, I have turned each one into a gif so that you can just scroll through this post every time you are doing it. I think that is a lot easier than watching the video every single time, especially since there is added commentary that you don't need every single time you do the exercises.

X-tinction means do it until you can’t do it anymore. Meaning do 10 reps or 45 seconds (depending on the exercise) and then take a 10 second pause. Start back up and keep doing it until you can no longer reach 10 reps or 45 seconds. At that point the exercise becomes X-tinct and you can move in to the next one.

There are a total of six exercises within this routine. Let's take a closer look at each one:

1. Lower Ab Spikes

10 reps to x-tinction


Be sure to hold for a second once you reach the top to give your lower abdomen that extra bit of challenge and engagement.

2. Seated Knee Tuck Drags

45 seconds to x-tinction


Take this motion slowly, there is no reason to rush from side to side.

3. Power Ups

10 reps to x-tinction

Exert maximum force to rise up and then come back down gracefully with control.

4. Seated High Twists

45 seconds to x-tinction


Keep your posture upright as to ensure your abs are actually engaged.

5. Backwards 7's

5 reps to each side to x-tinction


Don't forget to get that slight lift before switching to the other side.

6. Sunrise Sit-Ups

45 seconds to x-tinction


This is the easiest of the exercises, which makes sense why it is saved for last when you are much lower on energy.

Time to grind 🏋🏻

I know it is going to be a few months before I start to see any major development in my abs, but I know I will feel it more each day. I also need to probably lose a tiny bit of weight so that there isn't so much fat on my belly. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I'm in great shape, but there is always room for improvement.

I challenge you to get in the routine of doing this x-tinction ab exercise every single day!


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Hows that abs new Year's resolution routine going so far with you? I am on another routine I will have to post about it soon :) Preparing myself for a OCR.

I've stayed consistent and the exercises are getting a bit easier, but it's still something I'm having to force myself to do... It has not yet become a routine yet, but soon will.

An obstacle course race sounds like a lot of fun! I assume that's what you mean by saying OCR.

Yes, that's it! I am trying to get better at pull ups and dead hang. Anything that's monkey 🐒 hanging haha. Maybe I incorporate climbing to the workout too.

Pull-ups used to be so easy for me when I weighed 140lbs, but now that I'm 190lbs I can't pump them out like I used to. I can still do one, but not unlimited. I wish we had a local obstacle course or ninja warrior training center.

Hello friend @daltono, I've been following you for a long time, let's say I'm one of those "silent" followers, it's great that you are motivated to start a healthy lifestyle, I wanted to recommend the "SWC" community, so you can start in the beautiful world of calisthenics, we will gladly advise you and support you!

I hope to see you there! Best regards!


That looks like an awesome community, I just subscribed. I first got started exercising with calisthenics. I watch a lot of Chris Heria videos on his THENX channel. I like the graphics you used in the comments too! I'll be sure to follow you.

good ol' Athlean-X. he's made quite a life for himself with his channel and there is a lot of great information in there. Personally I struggle with ab exercises like this because of a back injury a few years back. These days I mostly have to do leg lifts on a machine that secures your lower back or I also carefully do those ab roller-skate things. You ever use one of them?

I wish I knew his lifetime earnings on YouTube, it's got to be an insane number. He has so many videos with millions of views, but rightfully so. Ab exercises are the hardest for me to enjoy, but that's why I think I need to do them daily. Luckily there are ways to do similar exercises if you have an injury, there is plenty of options to still get stuff done.

Do you mean the little ab roller with handles on the sides? Yes, there is one at my gym that I've used. Pretty cool little device.

Yeah, that's the product I am referring to. I remember when I first started using it and I thought "this is easy, there is no way this is a workout." then the next day I went to use it again and nearly faceplanted because my abs were still in serious recovery from the day before.

Of course there are back dangers with the ab-roller as well and if your gym has the type that has bands in it that assists on the "upswing," those are the best ones.

Athlean-X has a lot of haters out there and tons of people do "response" videos to his videos all the time but I think they are just trying to get a response out of him to promote their own channels. I think his supplements are BS but you don't have to buy them. I regularly look at his videos for ideas and as far as his earnings are concerned, I am sure they are immense because it appears as those his videos are made from his own private gym.

My favorite part about using those is how well it allows me to get a deep stretch. The one my gym has is cheaply made and I rarely use it.

I've watched a few response videos in the past, but I just didn't care. I enjoy watching Jeff and I learn a lot from him, so I don't need to find a reason to stop. Most are just clinging on to him for views like you said.

I really don't buy supplements at all and I usually don't follow these content creators' meal advice either. I'll continue to watch him and learn new things to try in the gym. He's lucky to have such a nice gym all to himself.

Right now I have started going for walks and after a few days I will start going to jym everyday. Going to the gym every day is definitely a bit difficult, but if you want to set your body and build six-packs, then you have to go every day. When you go to the gym everyday and go on time, what is the benefit of it, a person stays much fit. I have a friend who has been jym daily for five years and her whole body has become so much better.

Walks are great, and getting sunlight/breathing fresh air is hugely beneficial. If you can manage to get in the gym 4 out of 7 days a week, I think you're doing pretty great. Ab exercises though are something we should be doing daily.

Yeah man. The same effort is going on to go on walk every day and start the gym. These two things can also protect us from many diseases.

u mean it took him just 22 days to get shredded like that?!! 😮😁😂

I watch a few of that guy's vids on youtube. I like how he explains stuff and I think maybe he practices what he preaches!..

Jeff has been shredded for as long as I can remember.
His health and fitness knowledge just goes so deep. His camera man Jesse also makes for a good duo. Watching him grow from a scrawny guy to a strong dude after practicing what Jeff preaches is one of the things that keeps me motiviated.


Good luck achieving your goals. My 2023 resolution is to be more active on Hive and comment more.

Spartacus was such a good show, it's a shame the main guy died. Good luck with your goals too by the way.

I use to go to gym last year and it was very difficult to continue the gym on the daily basis due to my bad routine. but after a month i achieved it , but i wasn't aware of this 22 day formula, I'll start following it and will start few thing and will check if it works for me or not. thanks for sharing.

3 weeks is enough time to establish a new routine. If you can make it that long, you can stay consistent with just about anything.

only in 22 days but I imagine we have to put our best effort to achieve it

22 days for somebody who is already in great shape. More like 22 weeks for the average person.

That is great. These exercises can help to improve stability in the core muscles, which can help to prevent injuries and improve performance in other physical activities.

Core strength supports muscle development through the rest of the body. When you have a weak core, you are very unlikely to ever reach your maximum strength levels.

I will love to gym but I am lazy to gym

I feel that brother, so many people are in the same boat as you. Trust me when I say you have the ability to make that choice though and you could get started as early as today if you REALLY wanted to.

I have recently become master of my time and I think that in the next few days one of the things I will do will be to join the gym.

To fix a habit you say well it takes about 21 days; I think it's important to create good habits and routines; the road to personal growth goes through this too!

Nice post mate!

Time mastery is such a fantastic skill to possess.
I hope you are able to get a solid routine going and help increase your longevity and strength.

I can do it!💪


Dehihi yes I can!
Obviously what you say today from soosato does not correspond with what happened when I lived alone....



I can do it!💪

That's awesome bro! While building a good habit takes time, working out comes with such an awesome reward and is definitely worth the temporary pain and discomfort!

I used to work out a lot, especially when I was in the Navy cuz we didn't have much to do on the Aircraft Carrier outside of our work, but sadly I've fallen out of the routine!

Getting stronger is obviously one end goal, getting in shape makes you look good and feel better about yourself, but what I loved the most was the endorphins and the stress relief I received. I loved the way I felt during the workout! No matter how bad your day way, you could always go lift some weights to take out the frustration from the day!

I'm glad you've set a reasonable goal for yourself, and I know you can crush this thing! Can't wait to see your results man! Good luck brother!

I grew up playing sports but never focused specifically on strength training. Now that I am, I am obsessed with it. I imagine being out on a ship or locked up in prison would both be times when working out is pretty much the only thing to do. There are so many benefits to being in good shape, I agree that it is not just about looking and feeling strong. Our bodies seem to just be happier when we are active.

New year, new body! Sounds great, man. These workouts look pretty challenging. I hope you can do them regularly and keep yourself strong. Keep going!

They definitely aren't as easy for me as they would have been back when I was teaching yoga. I took my insanely strong core for granted back then. I belive I can do this though, just gotta stay with it.

How I wish that there's also a gym nearby my place. I really love being fit but sometimes, I am lazy to do it.

Good luck on your fitness goals!

I'm so lucky that the gym is within walking distance of where I live.

That's good for you

I planned to do plank regularly every morning when the C19 started, and now I haven't started yet 😂

Planks are a great way to build core stability, you better get on it.

The truth is that I will have to watch that channel that advises us since having similar abs would be very good for me

You will love the channel if you take the time to watch many of his videos.

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