The BlockTunes NFT marketplace already uploads directly to IPFS so you don't need to use the option. That would be for if you wanted to just host your files for free on a decentralized storage network, then share the link to the file.
My thought is to just use the NFT market for samples and grooves alike. I would live to see people bring back some usage of the platform and bring some life back to the MUSIC token.
@groove-logic ok let me try something out with it and shall help bring that token back to life. I just need some time to figure out the options.
Feel free to come chat in the BlockTunes discord server and chat with @thelogicaldude (still me, haha). Any ideas to bring this thing back to life that doesn't cost money would be great, lol. I do have some good ideas though working with some really awesome EVM based tools, but need to get some musicians onboard to help fill out the libraries, then we need users to use the marketplace. It's a vicious cycle and I can't do everything. Everyone that said they would help in the beginning here on Hive has since ghosted the project. I don't know, and then the different music communities didn't want anything to do with us, so it's going to take getting outside of the Hive echo chamber.
Any particular channel on Discord? I've got Blocktunes already on my list and we can have a good chat about it.
The BlockTunes server is good
I’ve just mentioned you on blocktunes posts