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RE: When Your Gear Fails You- Surviving Mishaps On Stage

in BlockTuneslast year

We are working on a slightly different social platform that is built on the Ecency framework that is supposed to be able to allow video uploads. You can mint music on several marketplaces, but they are not all dedicated to blockchain.

We had other marketplaces on Polygon and BSC built into our platform, but ended up taking them down because the Hive community gave a bunch of backlash. We are considering bringing them back online anyway because there is way more functionality that can be done with actual smart contracts with addresses versus the second layer Hive Engine stuff. Hive is pretty limited in certain areas, but many people don't want to admit it.

Yeah, DSound was cool, but they got no support, similar to our experience. Is what it is I suppose.


I tried many players, Ecency was the closest to success, publishing mp3 to ipfs, but not returning it to markdown, it’s surprising that such a simple thing is not implemented. In general, I would like to fix a dozen things:)