🤘 Rock4Life 🤘

in Musicforlife 🎶 • 4 years ago


🤙 The past leaves its mark on each one because there is a moment when everyone wants to return.

About 15 years ago I listened to some rock, the rock of the 80's, the 90's and I dedicated myself to compose and play with my friends in squares and living rooms, funny moments were not lacking and rock was created to be lived to the fullest, songs that have marked the lives of millions and will continue to do so because they will not stop sharing.

Bon Jovi - It's my life 🕶

Songs that you only need to listen to once to identify with passion and energy, which can make your skin crawl from the beginning and you can't help but think that it is connected with you forever.

Foo fighters - Best of you 🕶

There are them of each style and for each moment and each group, they show that only they can represent it, although we can identify them with a single genre, rock.

Radio head - Creep 🕶

This is only culture for the new generations, the evidence of the success built as a team in old bands that have remained together for decades and that although some are no longer among us, they undoubtedly marked our history and our parents, expressing our feeling of rejection. towards bad managers

Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take it 🕶

Stories that marked for their magnificent way of being interpreted, with magnificent musicians, who did not need more than love to give the world what they came to do, inspire us.

Journey - Don't Stop Believin 🕶

I should not make a post long enough to bore you so I will be bringing some friends who are true geniuses who love this 🤘 Rock4Life 🤘

🤙 El pasado deja su huella en cada quien porque hay un momento en todos quieren volver.

Hace unos 15 años que escuchaba algo del rock, el rock de los 80's, los 90's y me dedicaba a componer y tocar con mis amigos en plazas y salones, momentos divertidos no faltaban y es que el rock se creó para vivirse al máximo, canciones que han marcado la vida de millones y lo seguirán haciendo porque no se dejarán de compartir.

Bon Jovi - It's my life 🕶

Canciones que solo necesitas escucharlas una vez para identificarte con pasión y energía, que puede erizar tu piel de desde que comienza y no puedes evitar pensar que esta conectada contigo para siempre.

Foo fighters - Best of you

Las hay de cada estilo y para cada momento y cada agrupación, dejan ver qué solo ellos pueden representarlo, aunque podemos identificarlos con un solo género, rock.

Radio head - Creep 🕶

Esto solo es cultura para las nuevas generaciones, la evidencia del éxito construido en equipo en viejas bandas que se han mantenido unidos por décadas y que aunque algunos ya no se encuentran entre nosotros sin duda marcaron nuestra historia y nuestros padres, expresando nuestro sentimiento de rechazo hacia los malos gestores

Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take it 🕶

Historias que marcaron por su magnifica manera de ser interpretadas, con músicos magníficos, que no necesitaban mas que el amor por darle al mundo lo que vinieron a hacer, inspirarnos.

Journey - Don't Stop Believin 🕶

No debo hacer un post lo suficientemente largo como para aburrirlos así que estaré trayendo a unos amigos que son verdaderos genios amantes de este 🤘 Rock4Life 🤘


i love Twisted Sister :D

M4L Curator

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Thanks a lot! and to them for their music

Excellent post! Very much appreciated!

¡Excelente publicación! ¡Muy apreciado!

Posted via MusicForLife.io

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Absolutely lovin' it!!!!!One of my favorites of Bon Jovi is Livin on a Prayer, but It's my life is iconic

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Ey thanks! I really love it

Posted via MusicForLife.io

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