Girl In Red: The voice OF A NEW GENERATION || Girl In Red: La voz de UNA NUEVA GENERACIÓN


Today I would like to talk to you about * Girl In Red *, an artist who became known with her single Girls released in 2018 in which she basically talks openly about her sexual orientation and that it became an anthem for a large group of young people who, like her, are tired of hiding their true selves from the world and want to feel free being themselves.

no, this is not a phase or coming of age

I remember that the first time I listened to the song and read that part of the lyrics I felt extremely identified, and I think that this is precisely the magic that this girl has, she is very open in the lyrics of her songs and openly expresses her feelings. he really listens like a human being, who feels, who laughs, who cries, who is going through adolescence and is experiencing new sensations, I think that is why Girl In Red has become an icon for many young people
girl in red.jpg

That said, now I would like to tell you a little about the new record material that he released on April 30, his new album entitled if i could make it go quiet
if i could make it go quiet.jpg

Album in which she was working for almost a year and which finally saw the light yesterday. With 11 songs, a duration of 33 minutes and 16 seconds Girl In Red shows us the most vulnerable and human side of her through:

Did You Come is a song full of hatred and resentment towards one of his ex-girlfriend that he broke up with since he had cheated on her

See yourself through my eyes
You're so fake, it's all lies
Was she good? Just what do you like?
Did you eat? How many times?

They are the words with which she begins the song and in which you can really feel the pain and hatred that she felt when she found out that the person she loved had cheated on her with someone else.

Rue is a song she wrote based on the character from the HBO series Euphoria, a part of the song reads as follows

I hate the way my brain is weird
Can't trust my mind, it's such a liar

Referring to the little confidence she has in herself

Finally the album closes with it would feel like this a beautiful melody and calm piano instrumental that serves as catharsis to appease and calm the feelings of the songs before this one.
Being the end of the album, the title of this track serves as a continuation with the name of the album, if I could make it go quiet, it would feel like this. "It" is the mental noise that she suffers, and "this" is the tranquility that she transmits throughout this instrumental.

Without a doubt this is one of the best albums I have heard so far in 2021, I invite you to listen to it too :)

If you made it to this part, I appreciate it very much, really THANK YOU VERY MUCH <3

Hoy me gustaria hablarles sobre Girl In Red, una artista que se dió a conocer con su sencillo Girls lanzado en el año 2018 en el que basicamente habla abiertamente de su orientación sexual y que se volvió un himno para un gran grupo de jóvenes que al igual que ella estan cansados de esconder su verdadero yo al mundo y quieren sentirse libres siendo ellos mismos.

no, this is not a phase or coming of age

Recuerdo que la primera vez que escuché la canción y leí esa parte de la letra me sentí sumamente identificada, y creo que precisamente esa es la magia que tiene esta chica, es muy abierta en las letras de sus canciones y expresa abiertamente sus sentimientos, se esucha realmente como un ser humano, que siente, que rie, que llora, que esta pasando por la adolescencia y está experimentado nuevas sensaciones, creo que por eso Girl In Red se ha vuelto un ícono para muchísimos jovenes
girl in red.jpg

Dicho lo anterior ahora me gustaria hablarles un poco del nuevo material discografico que sacó el dia 30 de abril, su nuevo album titulado if i could make it go quiet
if i could make it go quiet.jpg

Album en el que estuvo trabjando por casi un año y que por fin vió la luz el dia de ayer. Con 11 canciones, un duración de 33 minutos y 16 segundos Girl In Red nos muestra su lado mas vulnerable y humano a través de:

Did You Come es una canción llena de odio y rencor hacia una su ex novia con la que termino ya que la habia engañado

See yourself through my eyes
You're so fake, it's all lies
Was she good? Just what you like?
Did you come? How many times?

Son las palabras con las que inicia la canción y en las que realmente puedes sentir el dolor y el odio que sintió ella al enterarse que la persona a la que amaba la habia engañado con alguien mas.

Rue es una canción que escribió basandose en el personaje de la serie de HBO, Euphoria , una parte de la canción dice lo siguiente

I hate the way my brain is weird
Can't trust my mind, it's such a liar

Haciendo referencia a la poca confianza que se tiene a si misma

Finalmente el album cierra con it would feel like this una bella melodia y calmada instrumental de piano que sirve como catarsis para apaciguar y calmar los sentimientos de las canciones anteriores a esta.
Siendo el final del álbum, el título de esta pista sirve como continuación con el nombre del álbum, if i could make it go quiet, it would feel like this. “It” es el ruido mental que sufre, y “this” es la tranquilidad que transmite a lo largo de este instrumental.

Sin duda este es uno de los mejores albumes que he escuchado en lo que va del 2021, te invito a que tu tambien lo esuches :)

Si llegaste hasta esta parte te lo agradezco muchísimo, de verdad MUCHAS GRACIAS <3