Quiero compartir con ustedes la cancion que le dedique a mi hija / I want to share with you the song that I dedicated to my daughter

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago

Uno de los momentos mas felices de mi vida fue cuando me entere que seria padre WOW que sorpresa y que dicha venia a nuestras vidas , pero : estabamos listos? seriamos buenos padres? recorde una cancion de Creed que me gustaba mucho y no la habia entendido sino hasta ese momento se las comparto para que se deleiten con esta hermosa letra.

Dios los bendiga

One of the happiest moments of my life was when I found out that it would be a father. WOW what a surprise and what happiness came to our lives, but: were we ready? would we be good parents? I remembered a song by Creed that I liked very much and had not understood it until that moment. I share it with you so that you can enjoy these beautiful lyrics.

God bless you

Creed - With arms wide open (acoustic) Sub. Español

Contenido: https://www.youtube.com/user/davalpe/videos

Posted via MusicForLife.io