Rap Music Artists Illustrations Album (New Project) 15part

in Musicforlife 🎶3 months ago


Hello my people, I hope everyone is super well, I wish you all a happy Friday and may this weekend be great for everyone. Blessings.

Friends today as I have been showing you little by little, we are going to continue with this incredible album of rap music from Venezuela that I have created. Soon I will be showing you how the physical result is, for the moment let's talk a little bit about this top 10 artists.

To start this "Joe Faith" this gentleman is a great friend, besides being one of my teachers in many things that today I put into practice, such as photography, Joe is one of the most recognized Christian music rappers in my country, and with the known many people and artists in the middle. Great rapper, artist, composer and producer, he is the president and owner of the record label "Los mas fuertes records".

Jork Daking", this friend who is a local artist from Los Teques, is not so well known but he is a very versatile artist, he started singing and imitating the famous Michael Jackson, and then ventured into rap, and trap, he is currently dedicated to do mostly trap, but in every track you put him on he does his thing, great artist and deserves more recognition the truth.

Juntos por pecadores" wow what to say about this musical group, today there are only two or three of these members, but the best known of them was the late "Ardilla mc", an emblematic group in every sense, composed of artists such as Patan Mc, Daniel mc, Damian Mc, Jr Apolo, McMigue. Their music is incredible in every sense of the word.

Kilimanjaro", this is an artist that many years ago before the trap became fashionable in the country, this gentleman was already doing it here and nobody liked it, but Kilimanjaro was ahead in that genre, he saw in the future what was to come. Considered as the first rapper to make trap in the country. He is also known for being a member of the rap group "La Comarka" along with other artists such as "Crisler el espadachin. Kilimanjaro is incredible.

And finally I want to highlight a duo of friends who are really great and great artists, they are "Kechu & Niche", they make a rap very different from the style of the 90's, they have a chemistry to interpret, they enjoy what they do and are great on stage, and it is sad on the one hand because they are one of the most underrated rap music duos out there. "Kechu" is a genius of structures and rhymes, and one of the best battlers that the country has, and "niche" is incredible rhyming and composing. They are spectacular, a great show to see them live.

Here I will be leaving the complete top 10 of all these artists who are all great, I hope you listen to their music and in the links that I will leave:


I hope you like this work and see you in another post with more artists of this rap album from Venezuela, thanks for reading me, a thousand blessings to all.

Que Pasó con el RAP?-Joe Faith.

Más O Menos ✘ Jork Daking.

Juntos por Pecadores.


Kechu Y Niche - 1 2 3.

Jomarlez-Lo Bueno.

Karma Santos Negros-A Veces.

Jeovanny Alkapone-Lucky Luciano.

Estrado-JS 7 Vidas & Rize 1200 (Scratch).

Killer Insane-Hablan De Más.

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