part 1.2 my life in music today . my musical influences in childhood parte 1.2 mi vida en la musica, mi is influencias en la niñez

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago


I grew up in an environment linked to music. My dad was an electronics technician and had an electronics and mechanical repair shop.
My grandfather was a tall Italian of about 1.90 meters big blue eyes who arrived in Argentina in 1920 with only 10 years escaping from the First World War, he had two destinations or new yotk or Buenos Aires, he chose how Argentina would later regret it.
My grandfather listened to classical music, and the tango he loved was Carlitos Gardel, but he had a lot of antipathy for Piazzola, who said that he did not play music, he only hit the instruments hard, but with very beautiful lyrics.
I remember going in the famous Peugeot that I showed you in the previous chapter, to a warehouse and repeatedly singing one of the great songs by Carlos Gardel, bye guys ...

the translation is quite complex since it uses an idiom of lunfardo a language used by immigrants in rebellion to the upper classes of that time
art is generally a form of rebellion against the ruling classes
english lyrics

I remember traveling in that Peugeot constantly singing with my grandfather that song every day I listen to it. I remember it, it was a very wise guide, and it instilled in me the study and memorable phrases such as the weather is your greatest capital, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

'Bye guys'

Goodbye boys my life companions
beloved bar of those times
it's my turn, I'm going to retreat
I must get away from my good girl

Goodbye guys, I'm leaving and I'm resigned
against fate no one carves it
all the parties are over for me
my sick body can't resist anymore

Memories of other times come to my mind
of the good times that I once enjoyed
close to my holy old mother
and my girlfriend that I idolized so much

They remember that she was beautiful more beautiful than the goddess
and how drunk I gave my heart to love
but be jealous sir of your charms
sinking in tears I take her away

The supreme chief god not to whom he resists
I'm already used to respecting his law
because my life undid with its mandates
taking my mother and my girlfriend too

Two sincere tears I shed at my departure
for a dear bar that I never forget
and by giving my friends last goodbye
I give my blessing with all my soul

Goodbye boys my life companions
beloved bar of those times
it's my turn, I'm going to retreat
I must get away from my good girl

Goodbye guys, I'm leaving and I'm resigned
against fate no one carves it
all the parties are over for me
my sick body can't resist anymore


reci en un ambiente vinculado con la musica mi papa era tecnico en electronica y tenia un taller de reparacion de electronica y mecanica.
mi abuelo era un italiano alto de unos 1.90 metros grandes ojos azules que llego a la argentina en 1920 con tan solo 10 años escapando de la primer guerra mundial, tenia dos destinos o nueva yotk o buenos aires, eligio como luego se arrepentiria argentina.
escuchaba mi abuelo musica clasica, y tango a quien le encantaba era carlitos gardel, pero tenia mucha antipatia por piazzola que decia que no hacia musica solo golpeaba fuerte los instrumentos, pero con muy bella letra.
Recuerdo ir en el famoso peugeot que les mostre en el anterior capitulo, a un deposito y cantar repetidamente unos de los grandes temas de carlos gardel, adios muchachos...
la traduccion es bastante compleja ya que utiliza modismo del lunfardo un lenguaje usado por los inmigrantes en rebelion a las clases altas de ese entonces,.
el arte por lo general es una forma de rebeldia sobre las clases dominantes
recuerdo viajar en ese peugeot cantando constantemente con mi abuelo ese tema cada dia que lo escucho lorecuerdo, fue una guia muy sabio me inculco el estudio yfrases memorables como el teimpo es tu mayor capital, no dejes para mañana lo que peudes hacer hoy.

'Adios muchachos'

Adiós muchachos compañeros de mi vida
barra querida de aquellos tiempos
me toca a mi, voy a emprender la retirada
debo alejarme de mi buena muchachada

Adiós muchachos ya me voy y me resigno
contra el destino nadie la talla
se terminaron para mi todas las farras
mi cuerpo enfermo no resiste mas

Acuden a mi mente recuerdos de otros tiempos
de los buenos momentos que antaño disfrute
cerquita de mi madre santa viejita
y de mi noviecita que tanto idolatre

Se acuerdan que era hermosa mas linda que la diosa
y que ebrio yo de amor le di mi corazon
mas se señor celoso de sus encantos
hundiéndose en el llanto se la llevo

El dios jefe supremo no a quien se le resista
ya estoy acostumbrado su ley a respetar
pues mi vida deshizo con sus mandatos
llevándome a mi madre y ami novia también

Dos lagrimas sinceras derramo en mi partida
por una barra querida que nunca me olvido
y al darles a mis amigos adiós postrero
le doy con toda mi alma mi bendición

Adiós muchachos compañeros de mi vida
barra querida de aquellos tiempos
me toca a mi,voy a emprender la retirada
debo alejarme de mi buena muchachada

Adiós muchachos ya me voy y me resigno
contra el destino nadie la talla
se terminaron para mi todas las farras
mi cuerpo enfermo no resiste mas

post previos

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