Good post and information, please remember to use quotes when you are directly taking from other sources and to cite the source ok? I really like learning about Julio, and I appreciate the English translation too! Very good post!
Buena publicación e información, recuerde usar citas cuando esté tomando directamente de otras fuentes y cite la fuente, ¿de acuerdo? Realmente me gusta aprender sobre Julio, ¡y también aprecio la traducción al inglés! ¡Muy buen post!
The truth is very good this post,
When I saw your comment I thought that the post was copied from another place, so I passed it through a plague detector, but it's ok 86% of the post is original
And another question since you say of (Quote) the texts,
That is something that I don't use much, but it would be interesting to know how it is done, can you explain to us what the (Code) To Quote A Text is?
Oh yes, of course! The reason I commented the way I did was that it appeared that only some of the post had been taken from another source but had been used to help tell the story. I was not accusing the author of plagiarism at all, and I really meant it, I enjoyed reading the post and learning about the artist! I like to learn about artists from different cultures and music genres. I am on the Curation Team and just wanted to remind people so someone else didn't see it as a "bigger" issue. As far as how to quote someone, I think there are a couple of ways to do it, but the easiest is maybe using the ">" mark-up function, like this
Then you have to double space to get out of it. Anyway, keep helping old guys like me hear new music, love it! Thank you!