MidNight Gems - Undiscovered, Underrated and Forgotten Songs vol.9 " International little Gems"

in Musicforlife 🎶3 months ago


For those of you that are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some beautiful songs.

As my taste is pretty eclectic...I never know where we go and I just do a blindfolded somersault through some of my fav. songs hoping I land on my feet,

1. Zero 7 - Somersault (Official Video) ft. Sia

I know it´s only spring...but this song just gives me such a summer vibe already, just like this next on.It makes me wish to visit my beloved America Latina once again soon.

2. Bebe - Siempre Me Quedara

Foreign songs always give me that holiday feeling so let´s keep exploring some more Non English songs if you don´t mind.

3. Eva de Roovere - Fantastig toch (Slaap lekker ding)

This is Flamish...which is very similar to Dutch, but much softer on the ears...but it fitted nicely with Bebe.
And now for something totally different.

4. Nynke Laverman - Der Wie Ris

So if you were wondering what the hell that was...that was a Dutch woman singing in Fado which is of course Portuguese, but she did it in the 2nd language from the The Netherlands "Fries".

5. Soko - I'll Kill Her

So this is one of my Guilty pleasures, I love this accent...so cute "Vanessa Paradis eat your heart out". But Pardon her French ....or in Spanish "Perdóname".

6. Amaral - Perdóname

Yes it´s another Spanish song, but hey it´s the country where I am currently living...so I should Shill their music a bit. And this was the first band I really liked when I moved there. It helped me learning Spanish as well.

Still my Spanish is a lot worse than my English & Dutch. Even my German is still better, and Annett is probably my biggest German Gem....both in sound and appearance. She is just so cute!!!

7. Annett Louisan - Ende Dezember

My goodness... is it time for the cover already? Do I even know international covers that fit my series

8. Marianna Nappo(Piano e Voce)- Margherita (Riccardo Cocciante)

And as a little encore you can even try this Dutch version together with the original artist.

That brings us already to the end of this trip...time flies if you don´t understand a word of those songs ...right? But I think it´s an other formidable trip.

9. Stromae-Formidable

What the fluff are midnight gems?

Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed, or might have been forgotten.

Who the fluff am I?

Being a former DJ playing about everything and having a uncompleted study of radio journalism I have been wanting to do this for years....Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

Hope you enjoyed this slightly confronting wave of amazing music and you still feel like joining me on the next trip as vol 10. of Midnight Gems is coming soon and will be a very special one.

Previous Release Midnight Gems:

MidNight Gems Vol.1 Shoe-gaze Saphires

MidNight Gems Vol.2 Dutch Diamonds & Other Beauties

MidNight Gems Vol.3 Dark And Disturbing Lullabies

MidNight Gems Vol.4 Synth Symphony

MidNight Gems Vol.5 Vintage findings

MidNight Gems Vol.6 Songs with Zeal

MidNight Gems Vol.7 Lyrics & Light

MidNight Gems Vol.8 This is what Saturday Night Should Sound Like

Posted via MusicForLife.io