5 musical discipline habits that every musician must imbibe

in Musicforlife 🎶2 years ago

Musical discipline is not just a bunch of rules and regulations to keep the musician practicing like an automaton. It's about understanding that rules can be broken. And if you have the creativity to break them, you'll end up with powerful results. Here are 5 habits every musician should imbibe for better playing and composing.

  1. Practice with a Metronome

It is important to practice with a metronome, particularly when you are learning a new piece in order to develop a sense of timing. The use of a metronome also helps you practice music pieces so that they can be performed with precision and accuracy.

  1. Play Your Music Pieces Without Stopping

When practicing, make sure that you play through your music pieces without stopping until the end. This will help you develop the discipline of playing without getting distracted or nervous in front of an audience.

  1. Record Your Playing Sessions

Another way to improve your musical ability is to record yourself while playing the piano, guitar or any other musical instrument. This will help you be more critical of your playing skills and will motivate you to improve on your mistakes.

  1. Learn from Mistakes

Make sure that you learn from every mistake and do not repeat it again in future sessions. If you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again then there is no point in practicing because it will only make matters worse for you and it won't help to improve your skills at all.

  1. Write Down Everything

Try to write down everything that comes out of your mouth while practicing or performing with others.


Now this is really making since.
I love this.
Thanks for sharing bro.

nice tips my brother, weldone sir💪

Hey man, you used wrong tags!

You should have asked for direction.