Rising Star: R67 Febie Rare Musician NFT Giveaway #13

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago

It was a fairly busy week for me and I struggled to get my missions on time. I didn't buy any extra cards so my starbits are already piling up and I can already buy another 12 packs. Over the weekend, I am going to figure out exactly how I want to spend these starbits to either improve my collection or to proceed further on missions.


There are not that many choices to pick from again this week so I went with a musician I didn't give away in the past. I did get two of them this week and it was one of the musicians released a month ago (in the middle of last month).
7-17 Febie.png
The giveaway item is R67 Febie and it has 50 fans, 150 skill, 4 luck and 2 income modifier. It has similar stats to the card I choose to giveaway last week. Since it has similar stats, I think its a great card to have to unlock missions and improve your ranking.


In order to participate:

  • Leave a comment
  • Include your username in your comment

This time if you do not leave your username, I will not include you in the draw. I want to reward the people who follow the rules.

Results of Last Giveaway

The winner is @moonthumb.
7-17 wheel spin.png
Thank you to the rest of the valid participants that did not win but might be interested in the next giveaway: @alejoca, @horstman5, @imfarhad, @silver-edge, @deanlogic, @chuckrick, @alter13, @skyple, @minus-pi, @javiss, @eldon1, @kurogan, @musdim, @specialfeelings, @handtalk5, @keniel16, @irisworld, @imfarhad, @manclar, @trentonlundy1, @supriya.gupta, @servelle, @magooz, @jesustiano, @kevinnag58, @dubble, @shao007, @waalie, @southernstar.

I transferred the George below and you can verify the transaction here
7-17 transfer result.png

Current Status

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My earnings were decent as I think I was easily pulling in around 8k starbits a day on average. When I compare the earnings I was getting to a month ago when I was stuck on those band auditions. I can definitely see that the extra fans I am getting from my pack openings increasing the amount I earned slowly over time and it is a worthwhile investment.

I haven't really bothered with the other missions on the 3rd map but I am starting to close in on level 100 as I am currently level 96. Since I have such a huge buffer, I am thinking of opening my next 12 packs soon and seeing how much I earn over the week. Depending on how much I get, I am going to skip looking for discounts because they are quite rare. Grabbing a few petrol cans a week will help my rankings and also help me proceed.
7-11 pack 1.png
My first pack gave me a surprise as I got a E24 Flame card. It has been my first epic card in a few weeks so I am quite happy. However the rest of my packs were quite lackluster with just the single rare card and two common cards.

I found out that the Festival World Tour requires a STAR PRO or backstage pass each time you do the mission. You can find more about it here. This caused me to rethink my strategy since I was thinking that a backstage pass would have infinite uses. So between actually doing the mission and not, I have decided against it for now. I will be planning to do it in the future when I earn more starbits and I don't have to buy petrol cans.

Current Stats

Fans: 25461
Luck: 5597
Skill: 41579
IM: 435
Ego: 34416 (298 from drunk fans and 8955 permanent ego)

Current Goals

My goals for Rising Star will probably be the same as last week. By placing high enough in the rankings, you get SWAP.HIVE everyday and my ranking has been increasing quite a bit after my Starbit Millionaire card. At my current rate, I think I may be able to get that level 100 in 2 weeks.

  1. Level 100
  2. Top 50 in Rising Star rankings

7-17 ranking.png
My rankings are up a little bit from last week and it has been more or less constant over the past few days. I do think I will take a huge hit tomorrow though because my time played will drop since I wasn't able to play some missions for a few hours after the most recent reset.

I came close to running out of pizzas once during the week. All of my cold pizza slices and birthday cakes were on cooldown and I was left with 1 filled pizza box. My luck was good after that as I was able to get a few discarded pizzas and they naturally filled up. So I can't stress how useful cold pizza slices and pizza boxes are for earning starbits. I believe the investment was well worth it.

If you want to join Rising star, feel free to use my referral link.

Tips (source)

I think the tips are something every new player should know about. It will help people progress in the game and it hasn't really been shared since surya1adiga stopped his giveaways.

  1. Take music lessons when possible to raise skill and reduce ego.
  2. Having lesson specific instruments helps in receiving more skill from that lesson.
  3. Have pizza box to store any pizza received during mission to reuse later.
  4. Buy cold pizza slice if possible. This gives 1 refill every 24hours. Comes very handy when you are low on energy.
  5. If you have enough of cold pizza slice and pizza box, you will never run out of energy.
  6. If you have more fans than skill and you want reduce the ego , you can use a storage trailer to store unnecessary cards. Or you can list the card in market for an unreasonably high price.
  7. Ego received for a particular mission increases every time you play it. The ego is reset to base level the next day. So, try to play different missions to control the ego gained.
  8. Keep track of your achievements to unlock in game rewards
  9. Buy storage trailer (only if necessary) to keep the cards that might have a negative effect. Like a card with high fan count resulting in ego.
  10. When earning skill points through music lessons, you can earn more points per lesson if you hold more of specific instrument cards. There seems to be base skill which is rewarded irrespective of the card count and then the skill increases depending on the number of the lesson specific card one has.
  11. Try taking up many smaller missions to fill up pizza boxes and have extra energy to play more rewarding missions. But you need to have pizza boxes for this to work.

Congrats to the winner. Please list me on the next draw :D! user: @alejoca

Commenting for that giveaway participation but hey, thanks for the tips as well but where do I see my ego?

The red box in the upper left corner is where the ego is. You unlock it when you get over 1k fans or past level 15.

Please count me in for the next draw.

Make sure to include username.

My user name is supriya.gupta

congrats @moonthumb

please add my name in the next draw, thanks
username - imfarhad

Congratulation to the winner :)

Make sure to include your username if you want to be included in the next giveaway.

Is my hive username, jesustiano :) i guess is not obvious, so is ok, thank you for telling me.

Actually I think your username is quite obvious but it is in the rules. If you don't put it, you don't qualify. Its a way to filter out people who don't bother to read.

Lol i did read but it seemed dull so i skip it, my bad, i accept it. Im sorry, would you count me in for the next giveaway?

Yea I have counted you when you responded earlier with your username. I give a reminder to people to see if they are paying attention.

Oh, I understand, i wonder why people don't do like a interactive giveaway on the RS discord server, it would be a huge event, like making a song trivia contest and the winner gets the card.

It would be owosome, like a thematic every week, one of classic rock, one of pop music, one of electronic, one of house, one of industrial, one of bla bla bla. It would be owosome.

ANyways, thats my idea but i do not have the cards, meaning, the power to do it. But it would be a great way to movilize players and non players alike.

i want to participate


congrats. add me to the next spin: yems

Thank you so much for the R67 Febie.

Please include me (@moonthumb) in this giveaway.

If you are a fan of Splinterlands or Rising Star (or both) and you love giveaways, check out Moonthumb's Mysterious Wheel of Random Prizes Giveaway!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@moonthumb, ¡lo siento!

Puedes llamar al bot PIZZA un máximo de 10 veces al día.

i want to participate! thanks!


count me in and thanks for this giveaway
my nick: @libertycrypto27

Very nice, grats to to the winner.

user: manclar

I want to participate! My username is "skyple"

grats winner! Count me in for another, RS name - dubble

Congratulations to the winner. Count me in for the next one. @horstman5

Congrats to the winner.
That's a nice card. I can always use the fans and the skill!


Count me in for the draw. You are making great progress! @belhaven14

Congratulations on that epic card!
I am paying attention to the market in order to purchase can of petrols too. Good luck on your goals!
I want to participate. My username is specialfeelings

Yea I am just going by feeling. I ended up not buying cans today but instead I bought some cards for my collection and to also boost my own mission earnings.




@specialfeelings! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @jfang003.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

felicitation au winner
@kurogan want to participate again

yo siempre que puedo hago las lecciones musicales para tener mas skill , me gustaria participar en el siguiente sorteo

Make sure to write down your username to qualify.



@jfang003! This post has been manually curated by the $PIZZA Token team!

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza. Enjoy a slice of $PIZZA on us!




@jfang003! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @trentonlundy1.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (9/10)

Don't forget to include your username to qualify for the next draw.

I was easily pulling in around 8k starbits a day on average

The earning ate decent.
I have observed in your stats pic that startbits earning are between 10 to 567 for radio interview which aree very less in my case...
Is their any booster Card you using?

No the starbits you earn are based on two things according to what I know: fans and how many times you did the mission that day.




@guurry123! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @jfang003.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

Hey @jfang003, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @jfang003, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

count me in!

Make sure to include your username. If you do so in the next few hours, I'll include you before I spin in the morning after I get up.

@rama142694, sorry! You need more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA liquid, and 0.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

@rama142694, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV liquid, and 0.0 LUV staked.

More $LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Count me in for draw. @oduncu

me gustaría participar @lokywolf2295

Please include me in the giveaway.

Posted via proofofbrain.io