The way to make money with your beats is to sell licenses to them this way you are still the legit owner to them but also other artists can use them.
The licenses you have to divided by plans like a basic an intermediate a premium, if you don't want your premium plan to be an exclusive plan what menes that only the people who buyed a license before the exclusive plan is sold that's why this plan is the most expensive one, so you can compensate for the ones you won't sell.
I so important that you specify all terms and conditions fore each plan you fave, so you don't have any problems if the artists that's don't follow them.
You also have to put the amount of royalties you will resive for the streams and that when the son is registered your name will appear as one of the craters.
The other way is to up lode your beats to YouTube with YouTube content ID, but this way is more as a way to promote them, the reason is that as a new beat maker we won't have a big following, and its more likely that you sell a license with YouTube before you monetize your chanel.