[ES] Sorteo numero #7, sorpresa de 10k de starbits RISINGSTAR / [EN] Draw number #7, 10k surprise from starbits RISINGSTAR

in Musicforlife 🎶3 years ago
Chicos reciban un caluroso saludo y abrazo, el dia de hoy vengo mas feliz y contento de lo habitual, les dije en el post anterior que les traeria una sorpresa, pues lo prometido es deuda. ¿Que empieza con M de millonario, es dorada y tiene forma de carta? pues si, adivinaron jejeje


Para los que aun no lo saben esta carta se consigue teniendo el balance de 1 MILLON de STARBITS en HIVE-ENGINE, y para que sirve? pues te habilita una recompenza diaria de 10k netos de por vida, siempre y cuando ese balance de 1M no disminuya


Es una ayuda gigantesca al impulsar el crecimiento propio dentro del juego. Hace ya varios meses que me inicie en el mundo de las criptomonedas, y en especial en este maravilloso y adictivo juego, digo adictivo porque aunque no lo creean, una vez que inicias te sientes tan atrapado en el, que solo piensas en crecer y crecer, avanzar y avanzar, este fue mi caso, y con muchisimo esfuerzo logre reunir la cantidad necesaria para habilitar esa mision.

Por si fuera poco, decidi para este septimo sorteo, regalarle a alguien de la comunidad mis primeros 10k de starbits provenientes de esa mision, si leyeron bien 10k :) los cuales podran usar en: 1 pack de 3 cartas, 1 cold pizza slice, 1 pizza box o en cualquier cosa que el feliz ganador decida.

Recuerden chicos los sorteos son realizados pasadas las 48 horas desde el momento que es publicado el post, las reglas pues:

  • Dejar su voto, por muy pequeño o grande que sea.
  • Dejar un comentario con su nombre de usuario.

Les recuerdo que la ruleta que uso para realizar los sorteos es:

Para todos aquellas personas que aun no se han integrado por aqui les dejo el link del juego:

Y tambien el discord de los muchachos de ACADEMIA LIBERTAD, canal donde me inicie y puedo decir abiertamente que gracias a ellos hoy me siento feliz con todo lo que eh logrado, les deceo muchos exitos en sus proximos proyectos y esperen de mi parte todo el apoyo. En este canal podran encontrar bastantes proyectos muy interesantes, no lo desaprovechen.

Me despido hasta el proximo sorteo buena suerte, saludos y que DIOS los bendiga

Guys receive a warm greeting and hug, today I am happier and more content than usual, I told you in the previous post that it would bring you a surprise, because what was promised is a debt. What starts with M for millionaire, is it gold and is shaped like a letter? Well yes, guess what?

For those who still do not know, this letter is achieved by having a balance of 1 MILLION STARBITS in HIVE-ENGINE, and what is it for? Well, it enables you a daily reward of 10k net for life, as long as that balance of 1M does not decrease


It is a gigantic help in driving your own growth within the game. It has been several months since I started in the world of cryptocurrencies, and especially in this wonderful and addictive game, I say addictive because even if you do not believe it, once you start you feel so trapped in it, that you only think about growing and growing , advance and advance, this was my case, and with a lot of effort I managed to gather the necessary amount to enable that mission.

As if that were not enough, I decided for this seventh draw, to give someone from the community my first 10k of starbits from that mission, if they read 10k correctly :) which they could use in: 1 pack of 3 cards, 1 cold pizza slice 1 pizza box or whatever the happy winner decides.

Remember guys, the raffles are made after 48 hours from the moment the post is published, the rules then:

  • Leave your vote, no matter how small or large it may be.
  • Leave a comment with your username.

I remind you that the roulette that I use to carry out the draws is:

For all those people who have not yet joined here I leave the link of the game:

And also the discord of the boys of ACADEMIA LIBERTAD, a channel where I started and I can say openly that thanks to them today I feel happy with everything I have achieved, I wish them many successes in their next projects and expect all the support from me . In this channel you can find quite a few very interesting projects, don't miss out.

I say goodbye until the next draw good luck, greetings and God bless you

Posted via MusicForLife.io


Congratulation on reaching the Starbit Millionaire milestone. This is huge. I also got my Millionaire card this week and enjoying 10K starbit from special mission daily. This will allow to buy packs almost daily.
My username is harpreetjanda

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Qué buena iniciativa! No me vendrían mal esos starbits xd, mi nombre de usuario es bassit03, saludos lml

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@benjaaa! This post has been manually curated by the $PIZZA Token team!

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza. Enjoy a slice of $PIZZA on us!

felicitaciones amigo, me uno al sorteo con este mismo nombre...

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Please add me to the raffle: @minus-pi

Great! Also thanks for the opportunity! If I can also take part, @rafax011

Excelente ! mi nombre de usuario es george777pe 😀

troikivmm Gracias por hacer esto

hola mi bro fuistes elegido como ganador, felicidades, el premio se enviara a la direccion q diste, muchisimas gracias por participar :) disfrutalos.

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Consider me in for the giveaway...

add my name in the next draw, thanks

username - imfarhad

count with me

Hmmmmmmmm !!!! Pizzzzzaaaa !!!!
I want to participate.

May the luck be with me...

Please add me to the next draw^^

Troikivmm Participo!!

Congratulations for attaining the STARBITS Millionaire...
Wishing you luck for the game and consider me in for the giveaway...
Best of luck to all

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for the chance! @langvmusic

Please add me to the raffle. @kevinnag58




@benjaaa! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @kevinnag58.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza

Congrats on achieving the Starbits Millionaire Card! Welcome to the club!!

Please count me in for the next draw!

Llego el momento de anunciar el ganador amigos, mucha suerte a todos y muchisimas gracias por participar

Now is the time to announce the winner friends, good luck to all and thank you very much for participating



Felicidades a @troikivmm por haber ganado el fabuloso premio de 10k starbits, espero verlos en el proximo sorteo cuidense mucho y que dios los bendiga.

Congratulations to @troikivmm for having won the fabulous 10k starbits prize, I hope to see you in the next draw, take good care of yourself and God bless you.

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Enhorabuena por tus logros, me gustaria participar en el sorteo de los starbits

Posted via MusicForLife.io

ya este finalizo amigo, disculpa :(

Posted via MusicForLife.io

Please add me to the raffle.


I'm done now friend, excuse me :(

Posted via MusicForLife.io



@benjaaa! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @tlundy47.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza