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RE: Hello Everyone, This Is My First Post On MusicIsLife <3

Great intro =) I learned some things about you I didn't know, very cool. I've been to Okinawa, but I was only a wee lad and I don't remember. great Tracks!!! loving them so far, really good work =)

ps sorry I haven't been around the radio show, talk about turbulent times, I will be starting a new chapter in about a month so hopefully I will have more time and a less crazy headspace.


Thanks @autobodhi <3 That's awesome, thank you for reading & listening, I am happy you liked it.
That's interesting, man, Okinawa is absolutely gorgeous, the people & nature.

Hey, nothing to be sorry about! Tell me about life just happening, I just hope you are ok, come around once the time is right. <3

I will hit you up on Discord, if that's ok.
Huggins to ya <e

hit me up on discord any time =)

Will do! <3