No les ha pasado que teniendo un día de esos en donde quieres mandar a todos el diablo, aparece una cancion que con una letra muy sencilla y directa te calma y te hace pensar en lo mas importante, recuperando la calma y la sonrisa.
bueno esto es lo que esta canción significa para mi, la música, la letra, en momentos dificiles me calma los nervios, he sido fan de la banda desde adolescente y siempre que necesito un poco de calma, recurro a sus viejos videos para estar tranquilo.
espero que sea de su agrado despues de todo : Never had a point of view'
Cause my mind was always someone else's mind
It has not happened to them that having one of those days where you want to send everyone to the devil, a song appears that with very simple and direct lyrics calms you down and makes you think about the most important thing, recovering your calm and smile.
Well this is what this song means to me, the music, the lyrics, in difficult moments it calms my nerves, I have been a fan of the band since I was a teenager and whenever I need a bit of calm, I turn to their old videos to be calm .
I hope you like it after all: Never had a point of view '
Because my mind was always someone else's mind