Protecting the Vibes

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago (edited)


Hey community!!

I feel this as a must post, specially in the bullish development we are having as a proyect and as a community, personally i hate some kind of acts, yeah i need to be honest with this:

  • Plagiarism
  • Milking
  • Spamming

The biggest goal of M4L is being a top proyect and this includes protect the vibes, yeah protect our community and his internal economy in order to keep rewarding our users with the best of the best and punish users who are trying to harm the community.

A new account called @protectthevibes has been set up, which will have the mission to downvote:

  • Plagiarism
  • milking from poor quality posts
  • Spamming

The reason is simple, the reward pool is limited, and these users are "stealing" rewards which otherwise would end in good posts and content. So is our duty to keep encouraging good posts.

In fact we are working now to use a service to automatize the proccess of searching for plagiarized posts, so they will be downvoted instantly.


We dont see nothing bad in using dbuzz, though i think people in hive have done this too, we will limit the rewards of DBUZZ posts to 1 VIBES. Specially because otherwise people would start doing SPAM of short posts to milk the pool, and its not fair that users that put real time in creating posts and videos with high quality receive sometimes less than this short posts.


Its not something we would like to do, but if a user puts too much effort in trying to harm the community through the above quoted reasons, we are gonna mute them from the M4L frontend.

Dont confuse this with censorship, you can talk about any topic related to the music, even if it has something explicit but that doesnt mean you can earn money by posting poor posts, or stealing the job of someone else.

This is what @claudio83, one of our curatos who is actively hunting plagiarsits, have to say:

Hi all Music4Life users,

I am very happy with the positive approach of many users who are dedicated to writing the post, arguing the contents. No one here is a professional writer but Hive, and therefore also M4L, was born as a blog with high quality content and we reward those who commit themselves to this. I am a music lover and I like to read musical articles, even those of genres that I don't really like.


Music4Life is only at the beginning of its long journey and we all want to commit ourselves so that we can achieve success but we are seeing some posts of plagiarism. Copying content from Wikipedia or other sites does not bring any value to the community and users who make this mistake are automatically expelled from the community.

The goal is to encourage users to write good content and reward them for their work but if you just copy here and there or post a photo or music video without writing more than 300 words, then you have a great opportunity to receive the VIBES tokens that today have a value greater than 1 HIVE and in the future there will be excellent opportunities for growth thanks to the work of the team.

I hope many users understand the need to create a healthy environment in which to grow together. The quality of our content and publications is what should distinguish us.

My recommendation is therefore to write posts in a personal way, do not copy elsewhere (we will know if you do), commit to writing posts of at least 300 words (the lyrics of a song are not included in the calculation). Those who follow these small indications will surely receive an appropriate prize

Call Of Duty

Community, we are gonna make this a really top proyect, but we also need your help, if you see a plagiarist or any of the reasons quoted above report it on our discord. Lets make M4L incredible, and to reach that goal we need your help too.

I wont let this proyect be destroyed by a couple of non grated users.




We care a lot...

I've moderated my share of forums in the past, from small communities with a few users to large, very busy fan forums. It's a thankless task to be the community policemen, but it's needed.

It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. :wink:

So props to the curators - thanks for stepping up to take a lead on keeping the community focused and engaging - though we all have a part to play. We shouldn't just leave it up to them.

It's also worth bearing in mind that the curators are just people. The odd mistake will be made - and the best way to sort that is to politely mention it. If it is a genuine mistake, I'm sure it'll be sorted sharpish with no fuss.


Rules are there for a reason. And the reasons you state above are valid.

I am not a musician nor any kind of musical author. I simply love music. One of the ways to express this love is to share musical (YouTube) videos that I for some reason like among like-minded people, in a like-minded community, in hope that they will like it too and that their day will be a bit nicer because of this shared video.

This is in no way because I want to get rich by posting the hard work of others.

Now when I think of it, the remedy is simple. Decline the rewards. On the other hand, this goes against the motto of the platform.

For example, this post was downvoted. It's a great version of a classic song. I was so amazed when I found it on YT that I immediately wanted to share it and let you be amazed too.

The text that I provided with the post was 53 words long. It's not enough according to the rules. 100 to 150 words is already a story.

So, two options I see here in regard to reposting not-your-original-work ie YouTube videos.

  1. decline the rewards and not bother with storytelling,
  2. write a (long enough) explanation of why this particular video is important to you and why do you think it is beneficial for the community to enjoy it too.

Ps: a week or so before I stumbled upon M4L I asked myself: "Wouldn't it be great to have an option to post YouTube links on Hive without having a bad conscience of getting rewarded for other people's work?"

Maybe this is the right place and the right way after all.

Have a great Sunday, my friends.

Maybe post via dbuzz and feel less guilty about it since you can only earn up to 1 VIBE.

:) That is an option. Yet, I don't like dbuzz. Unless they changed two things: added title field and started handling image tags properly.

Ps: corrected three typos above. It must have been late when I was writing it.

Have a great day.

This is totally needed to grow the community and the token in the long term. No one can legitimately argue against it!

The only caveat I would add is that I have seen some original videos being downvoted, presumably because they don't have a lot of text with them. It takes just as much effort to create a unique video as it does to write a long post so such things should not be downvoted unless they are copied from elsewhere imo.

Rock on! \m/

I absolutely agree. I`m not a good writer to be honest. But bringing original, selfmade music or a video to this community should not be downvoted.. Because it's alot of work to make your own musical piece or video. And some people are just not good at writing blog posts. But this is what the community is for: To post content about music. So I don't really know if it's a big problem, when the blog post is below 300 words, when it contains original art, which took alot of time to make it.

My post about my own music was downvoted too. Well of course, sometimes it just happens, by missclicking the button or something like that. But that's kind of "frustrating", if you try to bring original art to this community.

totally true, if its your video and your art (music), cant be downvoted, if that happens let me know please. the curators can have issues too, is a hard job. Plus is easier to talk with the curators and resolver any confusion of a downvote, rather than talk with the abusers which have bad intentions as first goal.

que tal amigo estoy tratando de subir un post y no me deja cargar imagenes, aun no domino mucho el editor, aunque vengo de Leofinance y alla si tengo algunos post, me gustaria comenzar aca, igual te escribi a tu canal en youtube, si puedes ayudarme con ese inconveniente te lo agradecería full

Una cosa que nos ayuda mucho a los curadores es si traduces en una publicación. ¡También te ayuda a conseguir lectores!

Hi JUX Thanks for this reply

I'm having downvotes for posting my own videos through, this has no sense

Fully in support of this approach and thanks for fighting spam/plagiarism on M4L!

thanks bro, is a hard job looking like the bad but puff i really love what we are building and we need to protect it

Lol! The bad but puff!

Yeah man, you have some good ideas and liking the constant updates and road map + interaction! Got to protect it from the nasties - there always will be some unfortunately... Really excited to see the new interface when it goes live though!

Give me a shout in discord if you need help with the flags.., anti-abuse is my middle-name 😃

Just saw this post. I am braking rule 2. I will stop as of now. My sincere apologies. I did wrong and hope to make this right. This community has given more to me than I’m giving back. Love playing rising star. I’ll be planning to use my vibe proceeds to do rising star giveaways. Again my apologies :(.

Just my personal thoughts...

  • I'm a massive Music fan, even though I'm not a Music artist or Singer.

  • I'm not a big fan of "Downv0tes" because it causes frustration and disappointment to the poster. However, if a claim can be made to the M4L Team. Then a large Downv0te can be removed very easily with no harm done.

  • I myself, often post a YouTube video, but I try to make the story music related (in some way) to a "Daily Trending Topic" on Twitter. Where I also try to promote the #MusicForLife Community.

I love this Community, and the whole MUSIC VIBES ~ I truly hope it succeeds √

PS. I think 300 words is a bit high for most people. Perhaps 150 minimum would be more achievable. Especially Musicians, who take a long time creating their Music, and less time writing about it.

big up the music!

New community doesn't mean it's led by stupid people. but users often try to harness, accustomed to thinking of making easy money.

On hive it is very different and this is valid for all the communities present here

we will include an automated bot to detect plagiarism

Well done! 🎉🎉🎉

This has been an issue across all communities, especially Hivelist which I had to put out a similar post earlier in the week. It time to crack down on the spam and abuse!

Aqui intentando seguir el ritmo😐😐😎

this is great i have seen a lot of bad super rated posts.

Very informative post. I did not know that about Dbuzz, and was upvoting those as I thought the users was relatively new. I will take this into account going forward. Definitely, we want to see more quality posts going forward about Music and the Rising Star Game, rather than a 1 sentence post. Looking forward to the development of M4L

I couldn't agree more!
As a curator for the project I endeavour to read the posts I upvote to ensure originality.
Thanks for including me in this awesome community of musicians and music lovers!
DC 🙏🎼

I had no idea about the rules and will be showcasing new drum and bass tracks as well as djmixs. I'm not great with words but will try add as much as I can to the posts where ever possible but hope the music will speak for itself until I can get more artists over to showcase themselves. I hope this is ok if not I will not use the M4L in my shorter posts.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the March 1st Hive Power Up Day

I'm having downvotes for posting MY ORIGINAL VIDEOS on, This makes no sense to me, if you don't want to, don't vote for me, but don't punish me either

sorry again billy :( the downvotes will be retired asap

Ok my friend, as you can see I'm very sensitive to this matter 😅

Al buen trabajo el esfuerzo le sigue y la fortuna le llega. 🙂😎😎🤗

This is excellent news! Keeping the content fresh and original will make for a strong community. I particularly like that there's a limit on how much dbuzz content can earn. I see the merit in short content, but it shouldn't be over rewarded.