Virtual Reality (VR). Best Way To Use It!

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Virtual Reality

Most of us know virtual reality as a way to see things in 3D. But it's much more than that. A person can touch, feel in every way also he can smell too. So the only thing which is needed to be available for VR is to be available at a cheap price!
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Augmented Reality

It's so similar to VR but the difference is that Augmented reality works in the real world. It uses the 3D pattern provided to its system and then uses algorithms to produce a touchable product in 3D form.
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HMD of Virtual Reality

Human-mounted display (HMD) is the core concept of VR. Due this we can interfere with the objects in VR. For instance, you're playing a game using VR, you're opening a door in it it's due to the HMD installed in VR. Otherwise, VR is of no use.

Importance Of Audio

Audio if most important in VR. In a study conducted by scientists, it has been proved that video without good audio can't transfer the message perfectly! So this is the reason why audio is required of the best quality.
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Usage of VR These Days

VR is being used for several purposes these days. Some are listed below.

  • Gaming
  • Product Development
  • Medical Purposes
  • Chemical Practicals

Thank You For Reading.


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