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RE: If You Wear Glasses, You Should Read This

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Greetings friend @rxge.

An extraordinary article that you share with us in this opportunity, I have always considered that any type of information related to our health has an immense value for any person, and the health of our eyes is of great importance since through them we can observe and enjoy our environment.

As you explain in some opportunities we can feel the work of those small but important ciliary muscles which allow us a better focus of the light rays emitted by any body or object that we observe, this allows that these luminous rays are projected with greater intensity in our retina and thus to have a clearer image.

I am surprised that the consumption in adequate quantities of net liver allows us to provide vitamin A, to our eyes, in short a very nutritious contribution and of great interest to all, thank you for sharing this type of material with all of us. Successes.


Hello dear @rbalzan79.
You are on point about the work ciliary muscles do. And indeed, stressing your ciliary muscles is actually good for your myopic eyes.

Thanks for reading till the end