Project.HOPE community celebrates our FIRST BIRTHDAY

in Project HOPE5 years ago




I woke up today morning and visited Steemit and Hive as I do pretty much every single morning and couldn’t help but to be curious – what another day will bring on those 2 platforms. Will we encounter another little drama or perhaps there are some good news awaiting me. Being a PH community leader has its ups and downs and you never really know what day is awaiting ahead of you.

Imagine my own surprise when I discovered that yesterday @project.hope had celebrated exactly 365 days since it’s official creation. I wasn’t even aware that it has been ONE YEAR since we launched this project and decided to go public.




For many of us, it has been a rough and difficult year. We’ve witnesses a so called “STEEM takeover” by Justin Sun, causing our favourite blockchain to split in two. We’ve witnessed the creation of HIVE, which divided the steem community even further. That in itself brought many new challenges and we went through some difficult times – especially since we’ve been trying to stay neutral during the unfolding conflict between these two chains.

Initially, this attempt to stay neutral has been obviously seen by some hostile users as a reason to be targeted and attacked. Many of us experienced personal attacks. I was even personally warned, that if we will continue our work on steem, then we will be considered to be traitors and our entire community will be “destroyed”. We’ve also witnessed some attacks towards @fucho80, @juanmolina, @gbenga and recently @adityajainxds – the level of aggression towards some of us has been insane.

Luckily, those events only made us stronger and united. It also allowed our project to get extra exposure and attract attention of a few large users. Fortunately, some of them decided to support our efforts – either by delegating their stake to PH or by following our curation trail.

Also, I’ve learned, who I can count on in case of trouble and which users simply … suddenly “disappeared” - valuable lessons for many of us. It has surely been a bumpy ride so far.



Some of you may remember my trip to Switzerland, which took place at the end of 2019. I managed to secure a contract with an existing business planning to launch their own STO (security token offering). As a future project manager, my goal was to build a network of bloggers and influencers which would help promote this STO.

I’ve focused my efforts on building a community around project.hope – assuming that it will help me reach that goal. Right at that time I’ve seen PH as a “recruiting ground”. Place where I could get to know valuable authors and learn to work with some of them. Initially I had a vision, in which I would bring this particular existing business (with yearly revenue counted in millions usd) to STEEM and secure a number of part-time jobs for many of our community members.

Unfortunately, it’s all a thing of the past. The spread of Covid-19 had a very negative impact on that particular company and my entire STO project was cancelled. My contract was also terminated – promoting me to wonder about my own personal future as well as the future of our project.hope.

Those questions are still hanging in the air and future (especially since Covid-19 became a real thing) is quite unknown. However, it’s hard not to have the impression that our project is moving in the right direction and I’m excited to see what another year will bring.



Despite all those challenges, we’ve already managed to grow bigger than I expected that we ever would. I personally consider our community to be one of the most engaging out there. Supporting many active and valuable members on both blockchains.

Bringing extra value into both blockchains

My goal for the second half of 2020 is to establish few partnerships with teams developing their own tools/software build on top of STEEM / HIVE blockchain. And to “use” our strong network to help promote some of their products. To help them reach a wider audience, get more users or simply spread the word about tools which they deliver.

I strongly believe, that there are some solid programmers and developers – often creating promising tools. However, they tend to give up because of lack of exposure to their work. We want to change that and we already gain some experience, recently promoting and

Supporting some of those developers is our attempt to bring more value into both blockchains.



Topics that are close to our hearts:

  • technology,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • economy,
  • business,
  • marketing, psychology, etc.

If those topics are of your interest, then SUBSCRIBE to our community on either:

a) STEEM: b) HIVE:

Consider also joining our discord server:

I will personally welcome everyone and explain our community goals and introduce you to our project economy. You could then decide if this is something worth your participation.



I would appreciate each resteem. It would help me reach out to our PH community members.

Yours, @crypto.piotr
@project.hope founder



@accelerator, @josevas217, @the01crow @aceh.point, @juancho10, @therising @achim03, @juanmolina, @thethomasstories @adechina, @karamyog, @thetimetravelerz @adeljose, @kcherukuri, @thevpnboss @adityajainxds, @keremcem, @tolustx @ahmadmanga, @kgcoin, @tomlee @ai1love, @kggymlife, @tomoyan @ajewa, @kgsupport, @topoprobe @akdx, @kolkamkwan, @travelwritemoney @ale.aristeguieta, @krazypoet, @truthtrader @alexbalan, @kryptarion, @tuborgbeer @alexcarlos, @kryptogames, @tysler @alokkumar121, @laloretoyya, @udow @alquimista1501, @lammbock, @ufukun @alvinauh, @lanzjoseg, @unbiasedwriter @amart29, @layac13, @upme @amestyj, @lebah, @upvotebank @andeer, @lemon-shot, @uruguru @andreasnil, @lenonmc21, @uyobong @andresurrego, @leoumesh, @valchiz @anfaenger, @levycore, @vegemitekid @angel33, @lord-of-fire, @victorialanz @angstgegner, @luckyali, @vlemon @anthony2019, @machnbirdsparo, @vural @apoloo1, @madushanka, @walterprofe @appicsnepal, @maikuraki, @wer-gewinnt @apsalon, @majes.tytyty, @whatageek @aquinotyron3, @mandate, @white-cat @arkmy, @mariusfebruary, @wilhb81 @atnep111, @maskuncoro, @wiseagent @awah, @mauromar, @wizardofwar @ayramis, @maxwellmarcusart, @worldcityguides @bala41288, @meins0815, @xpilar @banufil, @melihoy, @yameen @beckie96830, @melone, @ydavgonzalez @belemo, @melooo182, @yiobri @belkisa758, @merlin7, @ylich @ben-edom, @meteoro, @yohan2on @benie111, @metodologiaecs, @yonnathang @benson224, @michaelmaddof, @yurilaya @besheda, @miguelwalter, @zacherybinx @bewithbreath, @mikemoi, @zirky @bhoa, @mikitaly, @zoniacb @bigpower, @mintymile, @hardaeborla @binkyprod, @mister-nobody, @hassanabid @bippe, @moirailia, @hazem91 @bittern, @mojubare, @hdmed @blind-spot, @monz122, @healthexpert @blockchainfo, @mrdliver, @help.venezuela @bobinson, @msphilippines, @hendersonp @btcsam, @mtl1979, @hingsten @busted1, @mynima, @hive-156383 @caladan, @n1hal, @hive-180870 @carlos84, @nadabrahmasounds, @hive-us @carrieallen, @nailyourhome, @honarparvar @cartoon-head, @nainaz.tengra, @hope.venezuela @cektop, @nainaztengra, @hosseinrad @ceyhan, @nalej, @hundemama @chekohler, @nascimentoab, @hunter-man @chensuccess, @nascimentocb, @iampz @chesatochi, @neavvy, @iansart @chimzycash, @netzisde, @ihal0001 @chimzysports, @newton666, @ihsansur @chireerocks, @oberhessen, @ireti @chrisaiki, @oguzhanon, @jack.russelle @cieliss, @ojerinde, @jadams2k18 @cornavirus, @olasamuel, @jagged @crazysailor, @oleg326756, @janettyanez @creativeblue, @oluwatobiloba, @jarrel @cristo, @oluwoleolaide, @jasonwaterfalls @croce, @omegarojo827, @jayplayco @cryptolohy7, @oredebby, @jeenger @culgin, @orunar, @jenna16 @cyemela,, @jgb @cyprianj, @papa-mensa, @joelagbo @dacx, @paragism, @josediccus @dailyspam, @pedrobrito2004, @daisydem, @peerzadazeeshan, @steemflow @darthnava, @pero1337, @steeminer4up @dauerossi, @pervert, @steemitcentral @davidke20, @phantasm42, @steemlatintrail @deathcross, @phbr, @stefannikolov @defi.campus, @phgnomo, @stepbrother @delegate4food, @photosnap, @stevenwood @delegate4gg, @pibyk, @stowaway @delegate4tunes, @pisolutionsmru, @suanky @delegate4upvot, @protoss20, @sumit71428 @delegate4upvotes, @qsyal, @supersoju @demgu, @r1s2g3, @suzn.poudel @demondantv, @rakison2, @sweetwitch @dennisrobby, @ramsesuchiha, @syedumair @denzelwash, @randomblock1, @taimoorahmad @devann, @rbalzan79, @tangela @discovereurovelo, @reallymoist, @tariqul.bibm @djennyfloro, @red-rose, @taverngames @doctorblack, @redelephant, @teach-me @dodika, @reeta0119, @team007 @doifeellucky, @reflektor, @techken @drags, @reinaldoverdu, @tfame3865 @drax, @resiliencia, @forykw @dreimaldad, @reverseacid, @frankydoodle @drmincu, @rishabh99946, @franyeligonzalez @dumangabrielrr, @ritch, @frederickbangs @ebargains, @ritxi, @freedomteam2019 @edacosar, @roadofrich, @frugal-fun @edgarare1, @rocketpower, @fucho80 @eliorrios, @romanforever, @fun2learn @ellaella, @saarlaender, @futurekr @eloghosa, @samminator, @gamsam @emiliomoron, @sapwood, @gandhibaba @emmanils, @sarkash7011, @gbenga @engrsayful, @sathyasankar, @gingeralen @eni-ola, @schach, @gmlrecordz @entropia, @schachoberhessen, @goodcontentbot @epicdominic, @serienschauer, @goodcontentbot2 @equaliser, @shadow-dancer, @greendeliverence @erarium, @shaunmza, @guchtere @eric818, @shortsegments, @gungunkrishu @erica005, @siggiboy81, @gunthertopp @ericay, @simplex-world, @guruvaj @ericwilson, @sixexgames, @haidermehdi @face2face, @smjn, @happyvoter @fatherfaith, @solarwarrior, @stammy @fatihgul, @soteyapanbot, @steem-supporter @ferrate, @sp-group, @steem.ens @flash07, @spirajn, @flatman, @spoke, @forcamelone @focusnow, @fontayne, @fortunex


It has been amazing being part of this community. To many more years to come, cheers!

Happy birth day. Keep doing for hive and steem

 5 years ago  

Congratulations to all the wonderful people who are part of this project. It's amazing to see what journey we managed to make within a year.

When I read this, what amazes me most is the list of people at the end of the post. I believe that the biggest success of @project.hope is the number of people that this project has been able to touch and help.

Let's continue on this path and hopefuly we will be able to turn this project into something that will allow you to stop worring about your future ;-)

 5 years ago  

Hi @achim03

Appreciate your kind comment buddy

When I read this, what amazes me most is the list of people at the end of the post. I believe that the biggest success of @project.hope is the number of people that this project has been able to touch and help.

This is indeed quite a long list. Those are either our content creators, delegators or curation trail supporters. So many people are involved. It's mindblowing, isn't it?


 5 years ago  

So many people are involved. It's mindblowing, isn't it?

It started with about 5 people and now the list is almost too long to fit in a post. That is definitely mindblowing :-)

Truly a community full of hope, everything that is done from the heart has its reward in spite of the obstacles that have been avoided, others will still come but with more experience as you very well express it, I have been in the community for a short time but I can give testimony that you are a true leader since you allow us to interact with you, for all that has been achieved up to now my most sincere congratulations and more successes will be ahead. Thank you for your dedication to all of us.

The celebration has not ended. Let the champaign keeps getting pumped, project hope is plus 1. Happy birthday to this great team and everybody making this a sucesss.

You have been proactive in your tackling of the recent political issues.
Well done on keeping a level head.
It is not unusual for a new community to experience some teething issues.
Like you said, "lso, I’ve learned, who I can count on in case of trouble and which users simply … suddenly “disappeared” - valuable lessons for many of us. It has surely been a bumpy ride so far."

My main gripe is the Discord Logo :) Everytime, I think I am logging onto a Phillipines channel. Maybe, we can improve it with a logo of some sort?

 5 years ago  

Thanks for your comment @jagged

My main gripe is the Discord Logo :) Everytime, I think I am logging onto a Phillipines channel. Maybe, we can improve it with a logo of some sort?

Phillipines? I wonder why. Logo colours are colours of Venezuelan flaghehehe :)

Yours, Piotr

Happy birthday to this amazing community!

Congratulations to the first anniversary. @project.hope is a great project and I wish you even bigger success in following year with it.

 5 years ago  

Thanks @hairyfairy for dropping by and your encouraging comment :)

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr


Ho!! one year over. I had no idea the objective of project.hope was recruiting bloggers who would provide content for that STO. I am so sorry that had to go away...

My take aways ...

Actually, to be honest, I wanted my blog to be read and upvoted more, I was getting nothing earlier so writing on topics like crypto without reward, kind of sad. I was struggling.

However project.hope got me more readers for my articles. Also I worked on writing shorter and most structured articles and for past few months, I think I have grown as a writter and I have learned a lot about crypto and blockchain.

I have got connected with my passion, else I will be lost.

Also earlier, feeling of community was not there, but because of the Steem fiasco, I learnt and understood about community. I really love it connecting to such diverse audience and users, without any bias on which country and customs each have, we connected in sharing knowledge, opinions, uniting for common purpose and all. I feel relevant and even loved, somebody who is a nice writter, I used to think I suck because I struggled a lot as a writter, my works been rejected almost every time and every where.

In a way, this gave me hope that my writing will take me somewhere, learning about cryptos and blockchain will take me somewhere etc. I even learnt some trading tips and stuff. I am enjoying all that.

I want to thank project.hope for supporting me, my articles and post carona virus all the hive/steem I earned by posting articles on project.hope helped a lot, I have quit my earlier job which paid me something but I did not like, Corava virus helped, so I study crypto all day almmost. LOVE IT!!

I can imagine what a journey of downs also it was on attacks on the team, and I am surprised it can be so severe as we are all online here(:, its terrible.

You have proved to be a compassionate person and leader. I hope through project.hope more good and worthy causes you can serve.

I still remember I used to have so negligible steem power then, way better now.

I also try to make time to read and upvote good posts, to support community, although I am short of time.

Happy birthday project.hope. Here's to a bright sustainable future for the team, and for project.hope.

 5 years ago  

Dear @mintymile

Wow. What a lovely (and long) comment :) Appreciate it.

I had no idea the objective of project.hope was recruiting bloggers who would provide content for that STO. I am so sorry that had to go away...

Indeed. It was my primar objective - after all creating content is one thing, but monetizing all those efforts (without selling earned steem/hive tokens) is a very different challenge.

However project.hope got me more readers for my articles.

Hopefully you're also finding time to engage with others, read their posts and drop valuable comments.

Cheers :)

Congratulations @project.hope, really happy to be part of this community, despite having just over four months in it, I feel comfortable and very committed to you, I admire the excellent work you have done and reading the experiences in this year, I really must congratulate you.

Finally, a personal reflection:

"Moving on when things get too difficult is not an option, it's a decision."
Congratulations to all the Project HOPE team and especially to their leader @crypto.piotr, for their excellent work.

Already commented on Steemit. Here to show support.

Thanks @crypto.piotr

Happy first birthday PH!

 5 years ago  

Thanks a lot @nascimentoab

You should consider subscribing to our community ( and joining our discord server :)


Happy Birthday Project hope !!🎂🍷

Today we are celebrating, is the first year of a community that is projected with great objectives on the platform steemit and hive, when the work is done in team and there is solidarity between its members is predicted èxito.

I hope that in the next 365 days, all the proposed goals will be achieved and become the reference point for what should be done in a community, I can only reiterate my congratulations and that God bless all the members of this family full of hope.

Congratulations @roject.Hope and to all of us in the community. I feel very happy to be part of this great project as is Project Hope, and today is born a new hope for all who make life here, today is projected with great objectives in the platform and beehive steemit, we always have to make a teamwork and solidarity among its members which will give us great success in the future. and that next year we can have fulfilled all our goals and objectives to achieve and that this beehive continues to grow every day. Congratulations to all again

Happy Birthday to project hope. I like you each and every morning I start my day with surfing my profile on this blockchain platform and what happening here in this platform. I didn't know about the thread to you and resulting you exposure. But I am glad to know that from you through your blog. It is good that you have initiated project but covid-19 has stopped lot of our activities as well. I hope project hope will grow more and more in the upcoming days. I shall try to post in this community with mentioned topic . thanks for mentioning me

 5 years ago  

Hi @engrsayful

Appreciate your kind comment buddy

ps. check out your discord DM ;) I wrote to you several days ago already.

Happy Birthday PH and the team wishing you all the best for the next year ahead

Congratulations to @Project.hope and to everyone that has been apart of this move.

It is indeed One year of growth and impact. I am happy to be a part of this community, Certainly, the future is brighter.


Happy birthday!

 5 years ago  

so sweeet :) thanks for dropping by Jose! :)

Happy Birthday to the whole of PH community. It hasn't been long since I joined this wonderful community, but in there, I can sense and see promising future. If you want to be in the midst of amazing content writers, engaging and supportive community, Project Hope is here to welcome you.
More successful achievements in years to come. Happy New Year to PH community!

Happy Birthday!

What struck me was your comments about projects "giving up". My own fund has been going some 2.5 years, with the last 6 months being particularly challenging. But it was always designed to withstand shocks, so that whether I manage 10k SP or 1 million SP makes very little difference percentage-wise; yes, of course, it makes a difference in cash-terms but it won't ever close due to lack of funds.

I know all projects are different, but I started mine as a way of maintaining funding for what was then a community (now gone) and what was left was just the sustainability protocol.

Best wishes for the future!

 5 years ago  

Hi @accelerator

Appreciate your kind comment buddy

I'm sorry to hear that last 6 months has been challenging to you and your project.

community (now gone)

Why is your community gone? What caused it?

Yours, Piotr

At the time there were fewer communities, and PAL was working overtime helping newbs, so my community was helping Minnows take the next step up. Worked well, in that many became quite prominent Steemians, but as more topic-specific communities grew it kinda lost its initial drive. Was an interesting experience, and I appreciate how hard it can be to keep a community vibrant.

The problems have been beneficial, the crises have brought about changes in favour, they have exposed us as a community, and many have cast their eyes here, and that is why the support it has received and allowed it to grow much more, and to support so many people, making the good effects of the project tangible beyond the platform.

Thanks @crypto.piotr for being the leader you are and thanks to all the PH team.

Happy birthday to the most beautiful, supportive Community on Steemit and Hive ❤️

A great day, happy birthday!! Certainly it has been a difficult year, and covid-19 came to complicate it even more, but in problems we sometimes find opportunities, we must continue to look to the future and move forward with faith that everything will be better, my most sincere congratulations for all the work done for the community

 5 years ago  

Thanks for your encouraging comment @emiliomoron

Hope to hear from you more often (post and engage more in our PH community :)

Yours, Piotr

Congratulations to @project.hope. I hope this journey will be continue and more strong from before.

One year already? Wow. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Looking forward to many more years and thanks for supporting many of us around here

I can't believe it's up to a year since @project.hope came into inception, it's been totally awesome and by far one of the best communities so far with the most awesome engagement so far. Congratulations to th pH community. Many more years to come

It feels so good to be part of P.H family. How amazing, Project Hope shares the same birth month with me. What an honour.
Wish you greater heights

 5 years ago  

It's great to have you around @samminator :)

I hope to see more of your content in our community. For exapmple: Precision Of Action: Requirement For Success -> this would fit our topics perfectly .. (most of your topics would)

Yours, Piotr

It's an honour buddy. You will be seeing more of my posts within the community from now.
I'm already working on a post that will hopefully be dropped tomorrow.

Thanks buddy

Hello friend, congratulations to Project HOPE.

It has been an incredible year, many things happened including Covid-19, however, this project has maintained its sustained growth thanks to your effort and the effort of all of us who have committed ourselves to this project.

I am sure that many more years will come together in this place, many satisfactions await us, also many obstacles to overcome but together we can achieve important things.

Thank you and congratulations to this great family @project.hope.

Congratulations @project.hope! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 1 year!

You can view your badges on your board And compare to others on the Ranking

Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveBuzz Ranking update - New key indicators
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Party time! 🎈 🎊 🍹

Let's all celebrate with some fun and enjoyment on #HIVEGames

It's time for Corona style party time! :smile: yeyeyeye. In front of our laptops and mobile devices! :slight_smile:

You just recalled me... get more 🍷... =)

Wishing to see more of your presence around. I know you have been busy... but #HIVE is made of great people that no matter of, keep being around because of what they believe in. 😎

Keep up the great work.

Very important the achievements of the Project Hope community, congratulations for the first year. Proud and very happy to belong to this great family called Project Hope.

When I am struggling to earn on hive/steem it’s project.hope which is there to help me.
Very happy birthday to you