One more reminder about PROJECT HOPE stand on PLAGIARIZM and post spinning

in Project HOPE5 years ago




Several days ago we've written an announcement about creating an internal anti-plagiarism department within our PH community. With @gbenga being in charge of it and myself together with @juanmolina supporting his work and efforts.

If you, dear readers, have not read that publication yet, then please spare a few minutes and open that link and read it CAREFULLY.

Unfortunatelly, it seem that this issue has been haunting us recently and a few users posting within our community were not careful enough and did plagiarize someones elses work AGAIN. At the same time enjoying some financial benefits (author rewards). This act has got to stop effective immediately!

This attracted unwanted attention of a few users (@hivewatcher, @jaguar.force), who took on their shoulders the responsibility of fighting with plagiarism. Those who have dealt with these particular users should know already, that it may be a very unpleasent and hostile experience. Therfore it's best to avoid it at all cost.



I've wrote it once, however I would like to repeat it again:

This is very important for every member of our community to be educated and fully aware, that we cannot support content which is considered "stolen". Setting up a link to a source (original post) doesn't really change much in my opinion. Especially if content is simply copied + pasted.

In that case rejecting payout is a MUST.

In case any of you would commit such an action and would get caught, PH will not be punishing and pursuing such a user. You won't receive downvote. However, if a similar situation will repeat itself, then our support with come to a COMPLETE STOP.

Obviously, we may consider giving "another chance" to such a user, based on his/hers performance and level of engagement within the community. I believe that there may be some users, who are worth fighting for and educating.

Our goal is to educate people, not to punish them.



I would greatly appreciate it if each and every one of you would consider uploading this banner at the bottom of your post:


My line of thinking is simple - if we put extra focus on that particular topic and we underline how important it is to stay away from plagiarism, then we will most likely succesfully educate all our members and limit similar situations from happening again.

I also strongly believe, that noone will be "brave enough" to use this banner while knowing that published content is actually stolen (or re-worded) and ownership of such a content belongs to someone else.

That would be a deliberate lie.



Before JUNE is over - I would love to succesfully educate everyone within our community on this topic. It does cost me time and energy to deal with this issue. Not to mention unnecessary stress of dealing with those 2 users mentioned above.

So please, take it seriously, avoid plagiarism and post-spinning and use that banner in your future publications.



I would appreciate each resteem, since it will help us reach most PH members.
Also please drop a short comment confirming reading this post.

Yours, @crypto.piotr @project.hope founder,

There are 2 pages
 5 years ago (edited) 

Dear members


I would appreciate each one of you read this publication carefully. I really hope you won't mind investing few minutes. It's important topic.

Few guys within our community plagiarized lately and it brought some unwanted attention to PH. So I would need to ensure that we're all working together towards same goal. And this goal is to ensure that all our content is OURS.

Unique and original.

Yours, Piotr

Absolutely essential and great way to deal with the issue of plagiarism and stolen work.

However what I don't get is.... Why when you could just cite the source that you got the information from.

Kind of like when I quoted the Americans for disabilities act. Why should I try to rewrite something that is clearly already in writing. And why shouldn't I include the link directly to their website so you can see exactly what I saw.

I definitely took a screenshot of what I was looking at so that people would have a little bit of knowledge I went there looking for.

However plagiarism is very real issue and I have run into people doing that as well.

While it is not fun dealing with hive watchers, I do support the far majority of their work.

 5 years ago  

Dear @ganjafarmer

I only had a chance to read your comment now. Thanks for always being so supportive and engaging :)

Why should I try to rewrite something that is clearly already in writing. And why shouldn't I include the link directly to their website so you can see exactly what I saw.

Of course you can. However, in that case hoping to receive solid upvote and monetize someones else work (by simply quoting it and sharing link to original source) is not what PH want to support.

While it is not fun dealing with hive watchers

Unfortunatelly. They are bringing some value to hive and at the same time bringing huge amount of damage (With their famous and often awful behaviour).

Have a great day buddy,
Yours, Piotr

Plagiarism is bad and do not help creativity and self development. Noted sir, I will always try my best to compose my post from God's giving inspiration and knowledge based on experience acquired over time. Thanks @crypto.piotr for this development

Will do. So many issues cropping up. It's good that more action is taken against that stealing of content stuff...

Read - noted and resteem.

 5 years ago  

@tipu curate

The best way to avoid that kind of problem with human beings has not yet been proven successful to be solved with humans...

There are some techs that might have some potential... but everyone is still very afraid of using them for businesses purposes.

If I would have the time, that would be something I would develop... not because I know the technicality of coding for such techs... (no... those would be hired...), but because I know how to exploit many things... and I learn from exposure of others very quickly.

Not necessarily something I need to replicate to take benefit, but instead, learn, adapt and find the best way to drive others on that. I am a technologist... so I will always love to understand how things work, just like...

And Engineer does... his work.

This is a very important message. Read and resteemed. Thanks for giving great effort

Plagiarism is pure Stealing and should be strongly frowned at. The banner will surely work well as people who plagiarize won't have the nerve to use it. Thanks for this @project.hope.


Stand against it completely by either totally banning the plagiarists or also removing the rewards they've earned from plagiarised posts if not, they'll ruin the reputation of the pH community. I stand against it.

I totally agree with you @crypto.piotr is a very uncomfortable and exhausting subject, I hope this doesn't happen in a big way and we all collaborate for the good of the community!

Read and noted ✅ Fully supported.

Read and re-blogged plus the banner posted on my latest post

All users should come with organinal posts only.

I have read this post and i promise to adhere to it...

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Plagiarism is not accepted anywhere, especially when one is trying to make earnings with it.
That being said, posts are easily written when you are writing from personal experience. However, I will advice everyone to do a thorough research when writing about a topic that is not from personal experience. When you do a research and fully understand what you're writing about, you can easily write in your own words, instead of spinning someone else's words, or copying and pasting verbatim.Thank you for bringing this up @crypto.piotr.

 5 years ago  

First of all, I want to say that I felt the emotionality with which Piotr wrote this post. This reflects how truly concerned he is about this situation.

I will give a couple of tips to our content creators:

We will always need to consult a bibliographic source, lean on previous articles, so we can "quote" part of these articles that serve as support for our own writing.
When we use the "quotes" we must indicate the origin.

Once we have done this, then we could interpret in our own words, and develop our personal idea, shape our thoughts.

In my opinion, that type of personalized writing has a lot of value.

To finish, I want us to reflect on what Piotr tells us in this announcement:

Our goal is to educate people, not to punish them

It has always been Piotr's philosophy to "educate". From the first day when the creation of Project Hope was devised, the idea was to "educate a group of users".
As you can see, this philosophy is still intact.

Currently, our community is capturing the attention of many users within both platforms (Steemit / Hive).
Our number of subscribers and active posters is increasing. Perhaps for this reason certain "Authorities" within the platforms are more attentive to our activities. This commits us even more to taking care of the correct use of our upvotes, especially in the sense of not supporting plagiarism.

I have always said that the "Community" is made up of all of us and we must be guarantors of its correct functioning, each of us can contribute to achieving this goal. Let's start by taking care of our own content, this will impact the proper functioning of our entire ecosystem.

Just responding and confirming I have read this. Completely agree with the goal for the community to strive for quality and originality. It is right too to expect work to be free of plagiarism.

Thank you for bringing this up as this is highly necessary.
Thank you

Accepted and resteem support.
I've already started using the Banner.
No problem.

Thank you for sharing and making the community aware that plagiarism is frowned upon and should not be done for any reason!

Read, understood and Resteemed

So, here is a few tip who still doing copy+paste, article spinning, and plagiarism:

Don't do it. Period.

It's bad, it's intellectual theft, and you risk to taint this project by association.

Just don't.

There is no such thing as a "resteem" on this platform. I assume you mean "reblog" which is a way to share to blog

Read and reblog
From where do ideas come ?

Confirmed reading and reblogged

Besides taking the clearly appropriate stance against plagiarism, I would suggest incentivising people to post original high quality content. This may be achieved by taking time to throughly read a post and look for source references. References enable the reader to check for accuracy and originality. Additionally, engage authors with meaningful feedback so that they can use the information to sharpen their skills and provide the community with better content. This last point is specially important for newer members and those without a large number of followers, it encourages then to up their game and not take shortcut. The desired goal is to expand originality and quality across the entire Hive community.

It is indeed not a good encouragement to those who post original content. We should all learn to adjust for that sake.

Fully understood @crypto.piotr, thanks for supporting the community this post shows the excellent human being that you are

@crypto.piotr this a very good job you are putting to you community keep up with the good work.

yours, @venom-web

Sir, please give me discord channel invite link. I am trying to to find it.

Me parece justo y sano que se tomen medidas como estas para eliminar la flojera de pensar y crear contenidos originales...

¿Puedo utilizar el banner en mis publicaciones?Fuera de fecha, pero leído y muy de acuerdo con el contenido, @project.hope

i eat chips

Successes. Success is my sincere wish. Congratulations.

I readed the post now, thanks for the information I am educated now

I have read the post in its entirety, and will abide by it and use the banner in future posts. I hope to be spending a lot more time here :)

At last found a great initiative from some great innovators. I just stumbled across Project Hope just a few days. I hope I could have found it when I started writing. Would definitely use this banner while writing a new post. Thank You once again. I hope your project draws even more attentions and attracts millions of users.

very important information and contributions that have given other users, I find excellent the purpose of educating members of the group I started a few days ago and the entire platform is quite large at the moment I made a stop and I've been reading and this article completes a little education we need members of the ecosystem hive
my first entry to the ecosystem was in leo finance great community, there is also formative information in the leopedia I think in all platforms there should be something similar.

Plagiarism is a serious issue and it is not accepted. Everyone should be creative with their own ideas and thoughts. I have read this and i am totally against it.

Okay this is good but I thought you were somebody else I was looking for something that I could that was a donation to help people but I don't know what that even though so never mind

This is awesome because people do a direct copyright on others piece and still get rewards. This will indeed be very helpful but tackling this issue is not an easy task

Hello, confirmed reading, regards.

Read and noted sir. Thanks for your time.

Respected Sir,
I have understood these guidelines properly and I promise you that I would adhere to these if I am publishing within your community.

Hello friend, it is an uncomfortable situation but you have to accept responsibilities, correct and keep moving forward.

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