Answering the Famous Question on the Lips of Producers: Why do I Have to Package my Products?

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Whenever we hear about the word packaging, what comes to our mind is the look of a product and how well designed a product looks like, which is definitely correct, but beyond the look of a product, packaging entails more.

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One of the major issues that start up companies usually encounter is how to package their product, in order to present the product at a cheap price which will bring about fast sales, some of them decide to completely ignore the aspect of packaging and leave the product bare, this act however comes with lot's of disadvantages which is something the producer or company do not know or they choose to ignore as they major on the profit they are going to make alone.

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Let us begin by stating the importance that packaging adds to a product.

  • It is important to know that the lack of packaging of a product could reduce the worth of the product.
    For instance, a product without covering is expected to be of lesser value and it is also expected to be cheaper in price.

  • The packaging of a product is meant to protect the product from dust as well as physical damage.
    During the process of transportation, a product is exposed to several types of climatic conditions, it is therefore the packaging that will prevent any necessary destruction of the product.

  • The act of packaging a product prevents wastage: When a product is left unpackaged, it is exposed to dust and dirt, which means that particular product is a waste already especially if it is a food item, but the packaged material can easily be replaced in case of any issue.

  • The act of packaging distinguishes a particular product from others which means that no product should not be packaged in the same way.

  • Some customers describe the integrity of a product to the level at which it is packaged.

  • A product that is properly packaged, has the ability to attract customers who do not even have the intention to buy it.

  • The availability of self service stores increase daily, which means that a sales person is no longer needed to describe a product to buyers, the way the product is packaged, will determine if the buyer will go for that product or a different product entirely.

Apart from the advantages of packaging, the packaging of a product comes in different levels and sections.
It has been mentioned earlier that packaging also provides protection to a product, on this note,let me take you through the different types of packaging that exists ( that is according to my personal research).

  • The first one is known as the anti corrosive packaging which is usually used for metallic objects.
    When products are to be exported especially over long distances, this method of anti corrosive packaging is usually used in order to prevent the rusting of the product before it arrives at it's destination.

  • The second type of packaging is knows as pharma packaging.
    Pharma packaging is usually used for the packaging of drugs in order to ensure the safety of drugs while it gets to the final consumer in good shape and adequate quality.

  • The third type of packaging is known as plastic packaging, this method of packaging is used for plastic items.
    These packaging serves as a source of protection to those products who have low shelf life and who can be easily affected by climatic conditions.

  • The final type of packaging I will be sharing for the purpose of this post is flexible packaging, flexible packaging entails different types of materials which could be used to protect a product in order to help it maintain it's value.
    Products packaged flexibly, are usually sealed and protected from every form of harm.

The importance of packaging a product properly cannot be over mentioned, as a packaged item has the ability to speak for itself.

Thanks for reading, I am @oluwatobiloba


Thank you @oluwatobiloba, very good explanation!

Solid read. Resteemed and upvoted already :)

 5 years ago  

My regards, brother @oluwatobiloba.

This reading seemed unusual to me. But it was still interesting.

I did not know that the packaging of the producers could be such an important aspect of commercialization.

Thanks for sharing.

 5 years ago  

It is an interesting topic, I would add one more point and it is that the packaging can become a fundamental part of the image of the product, as it happens with the Coca-Cola soda bottle


Hi dear @oluwatobiloba

Great explanation, I must add that it is very important that the packages are attractive, reusable and that they bring discount codes or coupons since this makes them more attractive and desirable by consumers, making them valuable.

Thanks a lot for adding this useful details. I really appreciate.