It isn't enough to have a good idea, if the bad people are leading are directing!

in Project HOPE4 months ago

I have been thinking about it for a little while now. I discussed this in a comment with another Project Hope author as well, in which he wrote about the most important things when you start a business. It was an amazing list, but I added, that I believe that it all has to start with an amazing idea.

  • If you have a fantastic team, but no idea, then it will not be a success!

But, today I would like to share a few words about how it isn't enough to have a good idea. You need to have the people to bring it through as well!

leadership idea.jpg

It isn't enough with a good idea!

I have had several ideas that I believe to be great in my life. But, to be honest, I am not a guy who loves taking risks, and I always enjoy having all the cards in my own hands. So, if an idea incudes the skills owned by other people (and not be my), I am in trouble.

So, I might have had some amazing ideas that could have turned into a new McDonalds, Uber, or maybe TransferWise... but since I don't have the skills to bring it through (and don't hire people to do it for me), it all remains an idea, and nothing more.

A great idea with wrong people in leadership isn't good either.

And then you have another thing... Let us say that you have a fantastic idea or a great platform, but with the wrong people steering the wheel. What will be the result? Failure! It might start, it might look good, but in the end, it will fail to attract buyers, users, and partners, simply because the leadership doesn't make it attractive enough.

That is why it isn't enough to have a good idea and a team... if the team isn't good and doesn't control it the way it has to be led, it will end in failure no matter what.

A great idea with great leaders behind is a great start!

If you have a great idea, and then acquire people with the correct skills behind the wheel, then you are at least one big step closer to success. There are lots of other things you need as well, but these are very important in the start!

I am not exactly sure what inspired me to write this article, but I hope that someone has found the content to be inspiring and helpful!