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RE: Important points I want to highlight from the book: How to Win Friends and Influence People

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Please stop reading the other publications related to this book, which I will be sharing with you.

what do you mean by this?

You know, I have a huge disconnect with people. That also centers on having a disconnect with yourself. Onece your connected to the better you, you attract people.

Strangely, off line I attracted lot of people...through the views, opinions and passions, came on radio, several times. However, at physical level, is the real game, truth finally.

I even had my engagement broken, our physical connect was like not alighed, meaning our understanding, respect, give and take, trust...but we thought it was ok and all...

There is good and bad in every one of us, but we got to evole, improving and correcting our mistakes.

Also have to accept some people got to leave, they don't gell with you because they refuse to accept you as you are.

I get along with cats better than people, and with people who like crypto, greenery, ecology, cats and stuff... with people who disagree with me and call me crack (my whole family does), call them toxic...

But I generally, like being by myself than with people, used to it coz I hardly have the ability to make that connection and in no way will accept someone toxic, no way!!


Actually I wanted to say "Don't stop reading the other publications related to this book, which I will share with you.

Thanks for the quote, I already edited it.

Some people are more social than others, we are all different and that is great.
I particularly like to talk a lot, I like to share, to socialize, my wife knows that, although sometimes it may make her uncomfortable, because she is not as much of a talker as I am, we understand each other, and we are quite different.

But she is very right, it is necessary to connect with oneself first, in the best way, to know oneself, to be sure of oneself in order to have a good connection with others, and not to run the risk of even being manipulated. But, it is a matter of tastes, of preferences, and each one has his own rhythm and his own time for things. That's what I've learned.

Thank you very much for your great comment @mintymile