in Project HOPE4 years ago

To be a CEO is quite easy but to be a perfect CEO is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that a perfect CEO has some characters which he/she should possess and some steps to take to enable their workers more effective and committed to the work.

A perfect CEO should have love which is the most Paramount, and also be sensitive to little things. He/She needs patience, Endurance, adaptability, tolerance e.t.c.


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That been said these are list of steps a CEO should take to be able to manage his/her worker effectively and make the worker more productive.


This isn't about knowing their name, age, family or address it is much more deeper than that. This step will be further divided into 2 parts.
Pyschological Aspect: this has to do with knowing your employee's mind/state of mind. To be aware of their mental and emotional health. Each person is created specially and also brought up with a different background, so our psychological need differs. Some people are easy to anger while some have the gift of patience e.t.c. when a CEO knows his employee's psychology needs there tend to be lesser tension at the company, between staffs and also towards customers. With this the CEO knows the best way to approach and talk with each of his/her staff.
Physical needs: This aspect has to do with the welfarism of the employee, the CEO should be good at check ups of his/her staff. Everyone loves when they are been checked upon, it makes them have this sense of belonging and make them feel more confident at work. Also the CEO should also give rewards based on performance to inspire the employees to work more and also be sure that each employee isn't under paid so as to meet up with their own physical / material needs.
Also their problems should be your problem. When they have things they are going through you should be able to understand and try to walk with them through that problem.

Be a leader not a Boss:

The CEO shouldn't just be there to give out orders: The CEO is to lead by example. A good leader teaches the followers, a good leader works with his team to ensure they achieve the set goal and not just give orders and wait for results, which if doesn't turn out fine brings about agitation from the CEO. A good leader should be ready to take responsibility of some things. Also as a leader or one who wants to be a perfect CEO, he/ she must have a listening ear and ready to take advice from employee's this makes the employee always eager to contribute to the growth of the company.


The CEO should be one who has a lot of love to give. Whenever one of the employee does something wrong, he/she should be corrected with love. This way the employee tends to learn and ensure not to repeat that same mistake again. Also the CEO shouldn't condemn them all the time...there are times when they need to be praised to make them more excited about the work.


The presence of the CEO shouldn't scare the Employee rather it shouldl make them feel relaxed and more energetic to work. Also being friendly doesn't mean he/she won't be authoritative, all things should be balanced well. When it's time to play they can play but when it's time to work they should all be serious.


This may sound funny but it's needed, when the CEO prays for his/her employer this is also a good strategy to manage your employee. It is written that the Heart of Kings and men are in the Handa of GOD, if there is an employee who exhibit a trait which isn't' too palatable. The CEO can put such person in prayer. Also when an employee is going through difficulties the prayer of the CEO with other employee will make the person find a solution fast. If most CEO can cultivate this habit it is another way to manage their worker.


Knowing your employee weakness and strength helps the CEO to know what each employee is capable of doing. Also this can also be an avenue for the CEO to build them on their weakness which will not only be an advantage to the employee alone but for the growth of the company.

In conclusion, it is not easy to lead people of different believe and backgrounds but with the above listed steps it makes it easier for leaders to know how to manage their team.

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I think the workforce is the most important aspect of an organization and should be treated well. Whatever becomes of an organization starts from how the employees are treated. A particular funny quote says that:

If you give your workers peanuts, you will get a monkey result

Nice piece buddy. Thanks for sharing

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 4 years ago  

Hello, dear @mandate.

No one is born a leader. A leader is formed over time, with experiences and with the ability to learn from his employees.

These techniques that they mention are of the utmost importance for anyone who has the responsibility of directing a group of employees and who intends to be a good leader or organizational director.

I was struck by the aspect of Praying for our subordinates. I have never thought about it.

Thanks for sharing this article with us.

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Hello @mandate
I don't think there is a perfect CEO, it's.impossible.for there to be one who doesn't make mistakes, or who is loved by everyone, however, all those qualities you mention are necessary as an integral part of a leader.

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Truth is it isn't easy to be a leader at all, it is a lot of work to get into and it takes a person with a really good personality to be a good leader, it also takes a leader who is willing to learn to be able to put things in place.

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These are the qualities of a good leader and a good leader can be a good CEO.
I love the Psychological part, knowing the person's state of mind can help you a lot.
Empathy is another big one, putting yourself into their shoe will help you understand their view point.
Not just knowing the weakness and strength of your worker's but your own weakness and strength is also equally important.
Great writeup.

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Excellent article not many people understand the importance of having the competencies to run a business or company. Thank you for sharing

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Hello friend @mandate

I think that the success of any kind of company will depend on the good treatment of its workers, and this must be achieved by the person who pretends to be its leader, fulfilling to the letter each important aspect that you describe in your wonderful article.

Thank you for sharing such an interesting post, greetings and much success for you and your family.

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Hello @mandate I agree with you, managing a staff is not an easy task, however I think that with a lot of hard work and dedication you can be a great leader. Taking into account the aspects that you propose can achieve the goal ... greetings!

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@mandate this your points are crucial to managing and leadership of any organisation

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Hi @mandate, no doubt being a leader is not an easy task and I dare say that many are born with those qualities and others do not have. Throughout the process perfection moves away because as humans we have many flaws and we make mistakes that end up affecting our workers. In the same way the qualities that you express in your writing are of utmost importance. Thank you for your contribution

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Greetings @mandate, being a CEO or Manager is not a simple task because each worker has their own beliefs and values, plus the problems of each are very different to be a good manager must have everything you already mentioned in your publication and I would add to be Original. ie not copy anyone apply your own knowledge of how things should be done.

Excellent publication

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A lot of CEOs get trapped in it's bubble that they forget that they are just as good as the people around them. Nice piece

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Love the point be a leader not a boss, which is so true. Just small changes on how a leader gets the work done makes the difference.

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