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RE: My complete Review on the Book ‘How to win friends and influence people’ by Dale Carnegie’s

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" has been published for the first time in 1936, and has risen to fame as one of the best selling books of all times (Source: New York Times). The fact alone that the concepts described in this book are still valid and appreciated some 84 years later is a testament about how good and valuable they are.

Dale Carnegie did not invent anything, as these techniques are ultimately based on common sense and pivot towards the golden rule of "don't be a jerk", but this book provides an extremely valuable and well written collection that gathers all the right things in one neat package.

I read this book years ago and still have fond memories of how much it helped me understand how to be a better person and have fruitful, more pleasant human relationships. Thank you for your review.


Yea. The book is really a wonderful book that I will recommend everybody to go through it. Thank you for stopping by