I am writing a small comment to reflect my views on this.
I know one can consider this beneficiaries thing as a self voting or robbery but there are few things that are wrong.
Downvoting authors who set beneficiaries is not good at all. And no one force someone to set beneficiaries in project hope community.
Also i have never seen them voting for any post blindly. If they are doing it for money they would have voted any content published in the project hope community but that is not the case.
Can't it be decision of oneself to set beneficiary to someone if not then why is this feature available to all the users.
Also i think there are many post on hive Blockchain that are a quality post but don't get good rewards.
Why no body speak about this thing , isn't that be the priority. i see on many communities people earning $50 per post and if a new comer is writing there he gets very less vote compared .
thing is that project hope do not vote blindly just because someone set 50% beneficiary to them.
content matters and when people se that they are atleast supporting good content they set 50 percent beneficiary.
Anyways i know there are professionals here and i think they should solve this issue and themselves.
I would love if you and more big people can highlight more issues on hive Blockchain in future.
Thank You
Yes, this is an absolute right of everyone. But why 50%? Why so many? For example, I always give 1% to 3% to the community where I post experiments with my pictures without any other expectations. My posts are always judged by effort, I can see that. But 50%, in my opinion, is a collusion, an offer that cannot be refused.
When you set beneficiaries, similar to others outside of this group, you're not expecting them to vote your post up in exchange for having set them as beneficiary. That's one of the major problems here.
YOu git it right. Project.hope, votes on good content on any content, beneficieries are set to 50% only to sy\upport their efforts because that is used to lease more HIVEpower to support authors.
Plaugmarism is a no-no here and Ph-hope helps venezuleans too and others in need, its a community not a get rich alone stuff being talked about here.