Inflation vs. salary in Venezuela, a horror movie - Inflación vs. salario en Venezuela, una película de terror

in Project HOPE4 years ago



A few days ago, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) surprised locals and strangers with its inflation report for 2020, something that had not been done for a long time and that according to many economists is made up since the reality is three times what the official bank said.

The truth of the matter, and without falling into diatribes or hypotheses, is that the issuing entity reported that the accumulated inflation in the country in 2020 was 2,959.8%, a terrifying number for any citizen living in any country in the world, since this indicates that every day his money is worth 8.2% less, and that in one month it reaches almost 250%.

As if this were not enough, according to the official agency, in December the variation in prices reached 77.5% and in January of this year 46.6%..

As if the horror movie wasn't shocking enough it still reported that the 2019 was 9,585.5%.

In order for these numbers to have the indispensable human complement to be able to value them, it should be noted that the minimum monthly integral salary of a Venezuelan worker during that year was 450 thousand bs during the first four months, 800 thousand from May to October and 2 million 400 thousand in November and December, but that of pensioners or disabled personnel was 250, 400 and 1 million 200 thousand, which shows that it is not even enough for a minimum expense or to make one meal a day.

Just imagine the detail that a Venezuelan worker obtained an annual salary of 11 million 400 thousand and that it was devalued by almost 3 thousand percent. What is left?

Add to this the fact that the official dollar exchange rate or the BCV rate has been fluctuating between 1.5 million and 1.8 million in the last few months, which means that the salary does not reach 1.5 dollars and that the cost of daily consumer products triples the cost of this..

The country is not experiencing hyperinflation or recession, but a complete anachronism in which the labor force is the slave of the employer, which for a change is 80% the State itself..

There is no logic on which any governmental economic plan is based because the bonuses or other incentives that some people receive are not even enough to complete the purchase of a product for a day's food and the delivery of food through the Clap is so deficient that in some communities it has never arrived...

Venezuelan society has reacted to all this by reinventing itself, performing miracles in order not to die of hunger and relive those images of the children of Biafra in the 60's, it is defenseless against the implausible policies not only applied by the government but also matched by the opposition and business groups, who like a lurking vulture are on the lookout for the fall of a victim..

Yesterday the UN Human Rights Rapporteur in her presentation to the Organization did not mention that if the salary does not cover at least 50% of the integral expenses of a family then, in addition to violating those mentioned and not applied rights anywhere in the world, it also violates the right to life..

Acknowledging without anesthesia that your patrimony has been devalued by almost 3,000 percent in one year is an unprecedented act of cynicism, since it corroborates that there is no will to solve the problem, but rather publicity justifications such as sanctions, internal and political struggles, corruption and more than seven plagues that try to exterminate Venezuelans..

Versión en español



Hace pocos días el Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) sorprendió a propios y extraños con su reporte de la inflación del año 2020, algo que tenía mucho tiempo sin hacer y que según muchos economistas está maquillado ya que la realidad triplica lo dicho por el banco oficial.

Lo cierto del caso y sin caer en diatribas o hipótesis, es que el ente emisor informó que la inflación acumulada en el país en el año 2020 fue de 2.959, 8 %, un numero terrorífico para cualquier ciudadano que viva en cualquier país del mundo ya que esto indica que cada día su dinero vale 8,2% menos, y que en un mes alcanza casi el 250%.

Por si fuera poco, según el ente, en diciembre la variación de precios alcanzó un 77,5% y en enero del presente año 46,6%.

Por si la película de terror no fuera suficientemente impactante igual reportó que la del año 2019 fue de 9.585,5%.

Para que estos números puedan tener el complemento humano indispensable para poder valorarlos hay que acotar que el Salario Integral mínimo mensual de un trabajador venezolano durante ese año fue de 450 mil bs los primeros cuatro meses, 800 mil de mayo a octubre y 2 millones 400 mil en noviembre y diciembre, pero el de pensionados o personal discapacitado fue de 250, 400 y 1 millón doscientos mil, lo que demuestra que el mismo no alcanza ni siquiera para un gasto mínimo o para hacer una comida al día.

Imagínese solamente el detalle que un trabajador venezolano obtuvo un salario anual de 11 millones 400 mil y que el mismo se devaluó casi un 3 mil por ciento. ¿Qué le queda?

Súmele ahora el hecho que el cambio oficial del dólar o la tasa del BCV ha estado fluctuando entre 1 millón y medio y 1millón 800 mil los últimos meses, lo que representa que el salario no llega a 1 dólar y medio y que los productos de consumo diario triplican el costo de esto.

El país no está viviendo una hiperinflación ni recesión sino un completo anacronismo en el cual la mano trabajadora es esclava del patrón, el cual para variar es un 80% el propio Estado.

No existe lógica en la cual esté basado algún plan económico gubernamental porque los bonos u otros incentivos que reciben algunos no alcanzan ni siquiera para completar la compra de algún producto para completar la alimentación de un día y la entrega de alimentos a través del Clap es tan deficiente que en algunas comunidades nunca ha llegado..

La sociedad venezolana ha reaccionado a todo esto reinventándose, haciendo milagros para no morir de hambre y revivir aquellas estampas de los 60 de los niños de Biafra, se encuentra indefensa ante las inverosímiles políticas no solo aplicadas por el gobierno sino igualadas por los grupos opositores y de empresarios, quienes como zamuro al acecho están vigilantes ante la caída de alguna víctima.

Ayer la relatora de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en su exposición ante la Organización no mencionó que si el salario no cubre por lo menos el 50% de los gastos integrales de una familia entonces, además de violar esos mencionados y no aplicados derechos en ningún lugar del mundo, también viola el de la vida.

Reconocer sin anestesia que tu patrimonio se devaluó casi un 3 mil por cierto en un año es un acto de cinismo sin precedentes, ya que corrobora que no hay voluntad para solventar el problema sino justificaciones publicitarias como sanciones, luchas internas y políticas, corrupción y más de siete plagas que intentan exterminar al venezolano.


The cynicism with which they deliver this figure to the general public is truly surprising.
Those who do not live in Venezuela cannot understand the magnitude and severity of all this problem.
Impressive to see how the purchasing power decreases every day in a matter of hours, a flight that cost you $ 1 in the morning in a few hours costs you triple.
But I trust in our ingenuity and I see every day how Venezuelans have innovative ideas that have allowed us to overcome these crises.
And if it weren't for alternative methods like these cryptocurrency and technology platforms, we really wouldn't have been able to float.

That's right, Venezuelans have pulled out of the hat, like magicians, a thousand and one ways to survive.

I think you have two paths, leave the country or find a way to receive crypto like Bitcoin that increase in value.

There are many more in two ways and every day Venezuelans prove it.

You are a recognized member of the revolutionary party of Venezuela. You are an active Chavista, you have always supported Hugo Chavez and Maduro, you are a friend and vote for the politicians of the Venezuelan revolution. You are a hypocrite publishing this, when you are one of the causes of the problem. What will your close revolutionary friends say when they read this? You have no morals

I have never been a member of any party, I am a free thinker, I have never been a public employee, my ideological formation is leftist but not Marxist and I do not have a muzzle to criticize or support whoever I want. I challenge you to tell me what I have worked for the government. And if you speak from resentment and supported the almost 50 years of adeco-copeyano government, then you can't ask for morals, because answer me a simple question, if they were happy why did they vote for Chavez?