in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)



Advertisement can simply be define as a powerful medium used by companies and businesses to create awareness of their product to the entire community, this medium can be through oral, verbal ( radio, television, newspaper) e.t.c.
When a business is just starting or when a new product or service is being launched, the fastest and most efficient way to introduce it to the community and to people is through advertising. A good and high-quality advertisement will help to introduce the business to a large population of people within a short period of time. Advertising is one of the major keys to the survival of a new business, product or service.
Advantages of Advertisement
Promote Sales
Expansion of Production
Enhances Goodwill
Large Turnover and Huge Profits
Creates Employment
Disadvantages of Advertisement
Adds to the Cost of Production and Product
Leads to Unequal Competition
Creates a Monopolistic Market
Promotes Unnecessary Consumption
Importance of Advertisement
Helps in creating awareness


Advertising helps to create awareness about a product.Advertising is done over a particular period of time. So, it makes people constantly aware of a product or a business.

Bring customers to a business and keep existing customers
The more people are aware of your product, the more they will want to patronise it. When you do a good advertisement, consumers want to try the products. Also, good advertising builds the morale of existing customers to keep using your products. When they see the advertisement of your product, they are impressed and want to keep using it.

Determinate of the business success


Advertising produces quick and dramatic breakthroughs. Over the years, most businesses have experienced breakthroughs with the help of advertising. When a business or a product is not doing well, advertising is one of the ways to boost its position. A qualitative and quantitative advertisement helps both new and old businesses.

Products differentiation


Businesses make use of advertising to show consumers differences between their product and other products. The advertisement is not done by necessarily comparing and differentiating products, but in such a way that it shows the uniqueness and benefits of a particular product and imprint it in consumers mind.

Promoting and convince consumers

Advertisement primary objective is that its help in promoting a product. Letting people know that you have an exciting product to offer. Advertising can also be used to promote sales and upcoming events in a company.

Advertising is the key to the success of a business in today’s world. It tells people about your business, where it is located, and what you have to offer. Invest in advertising today and take your business to the next level.


@jesusboy advertisement cannot be overemphasized in any business or organisation. The points you have listed are very crucial.

Thank you very much Sir @gboye1