The paradigm of technological automation and the future of work

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)
One of the points discussed in the latest report by presenting by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is the technological adoption by companies in the immediate future.
This topic has been a source of controversial views over the years, whose discussion and analysis has mostly presented the possibility that the incorporation of automation into organizations could affect human-performing jobs to be replaced by machines.

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After the last report of the World Economic Forum was made public: The Future of Work in October 2020, many statements highlighted the estimates made for 2025 regarding the replacement of humans with machines, based on the following statement:
"Based on these figures, we estimate that by 2025, 85 million jobs can be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and machines, while 97 million new functions can emerge more adapted to the new division of labour among humans, machines and algorithms, in the 15 industries and 26 economies covered by the report"
Source : The Future of Jobs Report 2020

The results of the surveys conducted by the World Economic Forum showed the estimates for 2025 of a group of companies worldwide, which can be viewed in the figure below:

Figure 20. Page 29 . Source

Figure 20 of the Report shows the expected changes in the workforce of companies by 2025, highlighting the % of the following aspects:
Modify the composition of the value chain itself (55.1%); Reduce current workforce due to technology integration or automation (43.2%); Expand the use of contractors performing specialized work (41.8%).
However, other lesser data related to: Modifying the locations where the organization operates (38.3), Expanding the current workforce due to technology integration or automation (34.5%) and Expand the current workforce (32.4%).
Finally, a group of organizations surveyed expressed their intention to reduce the current workforce (15%).
The report also presents us with the Percentages of tasks performed by humans against machines, 2020 and 2025 (planned), by percentage of companies surveyed.


Figure 21. Page 29. Source

In the figure above you can display the following % by task:
  1. Processing of information and data: 2020 Machine 55% and Human 45%; for 2025 Machine 65% and Human 35%
  2. Search and receive work-related information: 2020 Machine 38% and Human 62%; for 2025 Machines 55% and Human 45%
  3. Performing complex and technical activities: 2020 Machines 38% and human 562%; for 2025 Machines 50% and Human 50%.
  4. Manage: 2020 Machines 37% and Human 63%; for 2025 Machines 49% and Human 51%
  5. Identify and evaluate job-relevant information: 2020 Machines 37% and Human 63%; by 2025 Machines 49% and Human 51%.
  6. All tasks: 2020 Machines 33% and Human 67%; by 2025 Machines 49% and Human 51%.
  7. Perform physical and manual work activities: 2020 Machines 30% and Human 70%; by 2025 Machines 48% and Human 52%.
  8. Communicate and interact: 2020 Machines 28% and Humans 72%; For 2025 Machine 37% and human 63%.
  9. Reasoning and decision making: 2020 Machine 25% and Human 75%; for 2025 Machines 37% and Human 63%.
  10. Coordinate, develop, manage and advise: 2020 Machine 25% and Humans 75%; For 2025 Machines 35% and Human 65%.

From the data obtained the report presents as one of its conclusions that machines and humans by 2025 will be balanced in very similar proportions almost all tasks related to information and data processing, as well as administrative, maintaining a higher percentage of humans in those tasks related to management, decision-making, analysis, interaction and communication , whose human reasoning capabilities prevail for these estimates by 2025 even before machines.
Finally, the data shown invite them to reflect on the possibility that technological advances in automation may one day displace humans in their jobs in the future by a greater percentage.



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Fuentes Referenciales:

1.- Informe del Foro Económico Mundial 2020

2.-Finanzas y Desarrollo. Los empleos del Mañana. Saadia Zahidi. Diciembre 2020


Note: The Separator and the Farewell Banner are my property, they were crafted by me with Paint and Canva.

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Hello friend, that is a reality that we have been seeing in some places, but fortunately not everywhere in the world, it would be crazy to leave so many people unemployed, but on the other hand, it is better for big companies to have a robot that does not make excuses or demand a salary than a person who is the opposite. Let's hope that reality is far away from us. Greetings!

I think technology will rule the future but humans will always be needed.

Hello @gboye1
I agree with you.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Have a great day!

Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily

Hello dear @janettyanez, very interesting your publication.
Machines in their different expressions have been incorporated into the workplace with greater proportion.
I share your opinion in relation to activities that are primarily for human beings for their decision-making capacity and rationality.
My opinion is that technological progress will continue and the human role will maintain the functions for management, decisions and communication.
Greetings, success