Best tips to handle a difficult boss.

Some people are extremely difficult to please and irrespective of what you try to do, the boss never feels satisfied or appreciates any of your effort, it feels even more frustrating when that job is all that you depend on for survival and there is nothing pleasing or encouraging about it.

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Irrespective of how annoying and frustrating your boss is, you have to always know that there is little or almost nothing that you can do about it and all you need do is to place a very great importance on the job that you have been paid to do, I really understand that it feels more enjoyable to work with a good and understanding boss but when you are not lucky to get one, just take a chill pill and focus on the task you are paid to perform.

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Your boss might be acting difficult towards you because he just feels you are not doing things the right way that he wants it done, this is an assignment for you to get to study your boss and understand him perfectly, when you study and understand what your boss wants and the way he wants you to perform, it will be easier for you to behave in line with his intentions and that might even make him change his behaviour towards you.

It is not your function to change your boss attitude, you might figure out something you don’t like about your boss and you think that trying to change him will make those things disappear, well the reality is that, your boss might have had that style of management that has worked well for him over the years so you trying to fix him is not a good idea, you just need to position yourself in a way and manner that will make things work effectively in line of your work.

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Being true to your great values and personality will help you survive while working with a difficult boss, you know some work environments are just super cool and your colleagues are great, there is usually an amazing benefit attached to your salary at the end of the month but this boss is just really frustrating. Your values will indeed keep you and prevent you from losing it finally.

Most times, we find it extremely easy to point a finger at our boss but then a sincere look at yourself and the actions that you perform at work, might make you realize that you might be the one behind your boss being difficult.



Thank goodness I have never had a job where my boss mistreats me, but in case it happens the tips you give in this post are very good, the best thing would be to do the activities to how the boss likes and thus avoid mistreatment on his part. Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

Cheers @sandracarrascal may we never have a cruel boss

Hello friend, the truth is that bosses are sometimes difficult, many people put up with things just out of necessity, but I think that if you are a boss you should be humble and put yourself in the employee's place. Many bosses are unbearable, I believe that we should not put up with mistreatment and humiliation. That's why the best thing to do is to become independent! Greetings.