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RE: Problem's in the current education system.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I rarely post negative comments on this platform, but this time I think I should.

Some successful people who didn't go to school

This is wrong in so many levels... Einstein got PhD in University of Zurich. This is the direct opposite of "not going to school". Bill Gates studied in Harvard university which is number 7 in World University Rankings.

Most of the knowledge is not utilized in the future

Can't agree. Almost everything you learn will be used at some point. Math is a gymnastic for your brain. It teaches you how think and solve issues. Also math is the most powerful tool to learn abstract thinking, there is just no better way. Abstract thinking is what helps humanity to progress.

For some reason designer's , dancers as well as artist are look down upon in comparison with engineers and doctors.

The reason is social necessity. We can't survive without engineers and doctors. We only need dancers when engineers and doctors have already supplied our basic needs.

As for point #3 and #4 - yes, these are two most common problems for educations systems in most countries. I would not agree on ranking, it helps to establish competition and we need it. Most of students (below age 17-19) don't understand they need to do their best in school, competition helps to make them at least try.

This type of education was maybe necessary during the Industrial revolution

Industrial revolution ended 180-200 years ago sometime between 1820 and 1840. I don't know where you live, but I doubt educational process and standards in your country date back to 1840.


Heyy @cryptohumster, Thankyou for sharing your point of view!
I understand your points, About Einstein and Bill Gates my research was wrong...from next time will make sure to cross check the details .Almost everything we learn "can" be applied (will be applied if we change our method of study) ,in the sense I am not sure what the future holds but instead of just learning data at our schools if we learn to analyze as well as apply what we learn, then we can apply to the max of our abilities.
Agreed math that gives us the ability .....problem solving skills, I am currently studying computer science engineering .When I ask my seniors who are working or my teachers whether we will be utilizing it , they say 'no' but we still have to study it for marks .We could rather focus on competitive coding for problem solving skills than something we wont utilize. Basically what I mean to say is as we go to higher studied at some point the math we study would never be utilized by us unless we plan on becoming scientists.
I am currently studying in India , here mainly the focus is marks and after finishing high-school most of us choose either doctor or engineer . Agreed that doctors and engineers are very vital to our society but not everyone wants to be them. Other subjects such as finance knowledge and subjects which bring out the creativity are also needed ,they need equivalent or more importance than what they are given at the moment. By comparing it industrial revolution I meant the mindset "based on marks" and cramming.
I dint want it to be negative , just wanted the community to know my opinion on it. Education methods are different across the world so I completely understand your point of view too ^^.