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RE: Intellectual Consensus on Original Works

in Project HOPE5 years ago

I want to ask, What if it's an post just for read? Like if I decide to post an article in 10 different social media so that I can get a greater audience.

Am I expected to write 10 different articles on the same topic because I want to publish it on different social media platforms.

If I decide to reference myself shouldn't be a problem at least someone else would.

I really don't understand your concept of self plagiarism


The intent to deceive is a big issue.

Essentially, it's your article so you can give the copyrights to anyone including yourself. Providing a link to where it was first published solves the deception issue. Readers know that the article was cross-published and the subject matter may not be as widely covered as it seems on the surface.

Okay. I think I understand. The intent to deceive can be a major problem.
We can't always know what is someone's mind until his or actions prove otherwise