Startup ideas
According to the orientations that we have been developing in each publication, it is logical to understand that business organizations not only depend on the external situation where they are, but also on their internal functionality and what really happens in it, from there we can interpret that the characteristics of each type of organization are fundamental to achieve success and economic prosperity in an international and globalized environment.

Thematic development
In the thematic approach we have reiterated that in organizations there are different types of organizational culture, from this will depend on the cultural values established in the raison d'être of the company and its members, as they are quite different from one organization to another.
Each organization must be established on a rigid column of values that must be fulfilled and respected collectively, because the identity to be adopted must influence and be accepted by the new members, so as to capture the culture of the organization as the correct way of perceiving, thinking and feeling the situations that occur there.
In the same vein, it should be noted that the socioeconomic, structural, political, cultural and religious context, all of which belong to new paradigms and to the phenomenon of globalization and internationalization, are so complex to measure and study.

The only certainty is that globalization and internationalization are realities that the world is going through today, and even more how these elements have impacted the social culture, which in turn, is reflected in companies and organizations engaged in any of the different economic activities, as their performance, profitability has been affected positively and negatively.
Closing of the theme
From the conceptions described above we can extract that today's companies are not the same as yesterday's, with the mitigating factor that changes exist or have been projected to adapt these organizations to the global context, which requires new philosophical positions and new management practices to counteract the dangers and threats that organizations are facing.
Key words: organizational, cultural, globalization.

Hello @alaiza
These approaches are somewhat controversial, certainly organizations must design strategies to reach international markets, but without losing their local identity, and that is something that most companies are falling into, precisely losing their identity.
Best regards, be well.
Everything in this life is controversial, organizations and their strategies are also part of our lifestyles, it is true that losing local identity is part of the risk that any organization that wants to maximize its economic income must take. Thanks for reading.
I totally agree with you @alaiza that globalization is an influential factor in organizational relationships. Greetings and thanks for your input.
@carlos84 there is no doubt that the actions of globalization have become an influential factor in business organizational relations. Thanks for reading.
Greetings @alaiza, the organizational culture is fundamental to achieve the organizations objectives, new members must adapt to these cultures quickly to not be affected both them and the company itself.
Excellent post.
Hi @carlir, I agree with you, new members must adapt quickly to these cultures so that they and the company itself are not affected. Thanks for reading.