Technology is the tool making people slaves.

in Project HOPElast year

Greetings friends!

Before the era of the scientific progress and technological advancement, most of the people were illiterate, superstitious and devoid of knowledge. Religious leaders and the rulers were able to manipulate thinking of the common people. People were unaware of how the things happens, what causes them to happen, and how the natural forces control and drive the world. Science and Technology changed the game. It opened the eyes of the people. Now people have the explanation for natural phenomena. It was not able to befool them easily by the rulers and the religious leaders. People were able to question the leaders and were better equipped with the proper knowledge and expertise to interpret the true motives of the politicians and other influencers.

(pixabay image)

Internet has given us the immense power of knowledge. Internet is full of information. We can easily get the true information about anything through our smartphone. Because of the technology, it is not easier for the politicians to befool the public as it was in the past. So, it has caused a great problem for the politicians, powerful elites and all other people who controls the governments.

So, they’ve started to use the technology to regain their influence

Technology is like a double edged sword. It can save us from our enemy, but it can also hurt us. We can use it and it can be used against us as well. It all depends on the person who uses the technology. I am going to discuss on this matter in this post in brief.

Social media is a powerful tool in our hand which is widely used by them who do not believe on elite controlled mainstream media. But, social media has also been captured by them. They have paid groups which spread fake news on social media and manipulate the thinking of the public. It is an open secret that social media is influencing the elections in many countries and people are confused and perplexed on witnessing all such events. Apart from it, social media is also being used to trace the people who have opposite opinions. They can be easily targeted and gagged. China’s social credit system is also being copied by the authoritarian regimes worldwide. Under this system, ‘inappropriate citizens’ may easily be marked and suppress.

Newer, faster and more efficient software are available for the government to trace, record and manipulate the activities of the people. For example a company from Is rael had developed a software ‘P egasus’ which was even purchased by the Indian government. It was allegedly used to surveillance the activities of the opposition leaders, corporate owners, judges, government officials and journalists. One such software allegedly generated fake emails on the laptops of some activists from the back date which was enough for the government to put them behind the bars for years.

But, people can easily fight against such tyranny if they have enough money and resources to meet their expenses in their endeavors to fight against the tyranny. Cryptocurrency is one of the tools which can enable people to have some resilience against the tyrannical governments. However, these governments are bent on destroying the crypto world. They are putting bans and heavy taxes on crypto transactions. In some countries it is illegal to own cryptos. Now governments are introducing their own blockchain based centralized crypto type fiat money. This is a grave danger for the liberty of the people as all transactions done through such currencies can be easily traced and also all the transactions can be easily blocked by the authorities. So, any such government can easily destroy all the financial resources of the opposition parties and compel them to commit suicide because of lack of resources. Ratina scanners, fingerprint scanners and face recognition technologies are supposed to identify criminals. But, till date no big criminals have been identify and captured by the authorities using these tools. In fact, they are being used to suppress the people who are not the blind followers of the politicians.

People are still not realizing the danger of the government owned digital currencies and surveillance tools. They think it is against their dignity to hold cash. They are doing cashless transactions all the time. But, cash and cryptos are the most private things which can guarantee the freedom of the people, despite of the talons of the governments. Cash is the most promising things and cryptos come in the second place. Freedom is not granted to the public, it is snatched from the rulers. It all depends on people whether they are ready to sacrifice their comfort for their freedom or ready to wear the chains of slavery. Technology can make us smart but it can also be used to enslave us.

Thank you for reading.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@akdx(1/5) tipped @owasco

Now that there is a spy device in nearly every hand, we are doubly screwed. Put down your phones! Those are our enemy's weapons.

You are right dear. This is the tough time and the toughest time has yet to come. !PIZZA, !MEME, !BEER