Our existence comprises a series of things that make us an interesting entity, making every minute worthwhile; but what really calls our attention is the problems that are latent day by day, it seems that our essence goes through the worries, being our mind a prisoner of destiny, a destiny that looks at a roller coaster.
We are more and more alone in our path, lacking in every moment the simplicity of being human; everything will remain in the past, it is true, but the present we live it with every heartbeat, remembering every blow to our life, without having a clear exit, much less a help from existence.
We forget every thing that hurts us or at least we try to, we usually fill our memory with vain memories, where happiness is based on trips, shopping and of course good lovers, but each one of us looks for that stability in a different way, destroying in our path everything that stops us and we change every perspective of love, making every person around us feel a little what we have in our soul; we know we are superior to any other species, but we do not know the reality of being superior, since that fact frames many things.
We push our luck at all times, shining like a great shooting star, without measuring the danger, breathing a controversial atmosphere and naming all things as if they really mattered to us. We all wish we could sail on turbulent waters, without our boat sinking, wishing in the deepest part of our being that gravity would act against us and make us take a turn, that it would change the way we see life, leading us to an unstoppable abyss, where sanity is lost and schizophrenia is gained.
We wander the planet senselessly, leaving no trace of our steps, waiting for destiny to take care of us; never missing the true look of terror, anchoring us to the eye of the hurricane, that position that pours its fury on us, where creativity is innocuous and fury becomes part of our ribs. It is incredible the way the air touches our cheeks, but even more incredible is the clemency we sometimes ask for, when we know that the most guilty ones on the face of the earth are ourselves.
The fantasies of a noble destiny are noticed every time a year passes and the desire to change comes to light in each of our prayers; what we should really be concerned about is our survival, since the demons we have created in our present will haunt us until the end of our days and even beyond eternity.