Powerful minds and uncontrollable ingenuity fly every day, without hope of life at times, but with the certainty that we will always be connected to the same goal; hopefully we are all on the wrong path and that everyone who really wants to serve in this world, begins to revere everyone who shows the strength of life.
Dark are our dawns, but darker is our soul, full of uncertainties, fears and many demons that have been repressed by the same feeling; let us remember the facts of reality and let us take out the fire that runs through our veins, so that it consumes all lies that try to kill our memory.
Pandora has been left in the past and our present contains the true evil; we cannot deny the connection that our heart has with darkness, simply life is based on that connection, whenever we are on the path of righteousness, thoughts come that divert our attention and call us to bring out our true identity.
An eternal suffering, we are condemned to feel, without a single tear running down our cheeks; let us take advantage of every second that passes, because the falsehoods of our present time, are the ones that command the future of our soul.
It is impressive how evolution has brought with it a feeling of guilt, where each day is transformed into a judgment by destiny and all of us are involved in a madness that hits the walls of relativity, we seek the truth of existence, when we should really focus on the survival of the race. We are vulnerable and harmless beings to other galaxies, but a constant threat to our own planet; none of us is safe from the responsibilities, let alone the truthfulness of common sense.
Human life will always be on the edge of the abyss and darkness will be a constant in our dawns, since we have all signed a pact with destiny and we are not the ones to break agreements made by our ancestors, because we also knew how to take advantage of the golden years and of course we consumed the souls of our fellow men. The feelings are summarized in small gestures, where love stands out, but it is impossible to fight against a dark dawn, to which we are destined; to conquer new worlds, are our next challenges and to look for the exit to the problem is the duty of all.
We will lead a normal life, until the truth is not revealed, but our eyes must see, what is shown day by day to our life. It is difficult to recognize that we are wrong for a long time, but what should really concern and interest us, is to be able to make our days a precise and concise constant of happiness, without leaving aside what has made us human.
Hello @ailet
I had not read your posts, I found the title "Dark-dawn" striking, it is surprising what you mention when you express "It is impressive how evolution has brought with it a feeling of guilt, where every day is transformed into a trial by fate and we are all involved in a madness that hits the walls of relativity", many see it this way as they are carried away by an apparent objectivity that makes them masters of the truth.
Best regards, be well.
thank you very much friend, it is nice for me to know that my publications are impacting positively to the community... greetings