
This was posted in steempeak community but doesnt talk about steempeak. Seems better suited for your home page or a gaming community.

OK thank you very much, I thought it didn't have to be a specific topic to be able to post here

no worries :)

but why do I see my hidden post


This was one of the few games that I played multiple times and by the way I love your title because I could immediately hear the in game shouting over the radio saying exactly that and it has been YEARS since I played it.

Some things just stick with you :)

Thank you very much, when I play it the first time I remember that day I went to bed at 6 in the morning because I was crazy, this is a great game and I'm crazy that something new comes out.

And I put this title because they killed me so many times that I had that phrase stuck in my brain

The best game wich I ever played: the history, cinematics, the stealth modes, dialogues, everything. Metal Gear is a Master Piece, Hideo Kojima is a genius. I love all Metal Gear Saga

I'm glad to see that it's not just me I'm crazy about this game

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment