I'm very much thrilled and excited to be participating in the first SupportLMAC - Community Challenge #1. The idea is abosultely brilliant one and new, the credit goes to lovely @brittandjosie , thanks to her if she is reading my post :) . Obvious gratitude to @shaka and @quantumg as well.
Reading the rules I went to search the perfect collage art or the suitable one fitting into my ideas. I searched for it for three days and I found that some were too perfect for my touch while for some, I lack free materials. After much investigating, I came across this collage of @quantumg , and the moment I saw it Vikings was on my mind. Might be the effect of watching Viking series lately 😉 .
A beautiful coincidence between me and my mate @panksero for choosing the same collage art. That shows on what level Quantumg had delivered his art 😀😀
My friend @quantumg had depicted the scene perfectly and it's almost a perfect thrilling art in itself. The story is more better,
Frieda and the old wizard actually just wanted to go to the beach together to have a nice picnic. But suddenly a dark storm came in sight over the sea. The storm looked unusual. Incessently, many lightning bolts shot into the sea on the storm front and something was somehow wrong with the clouds.
Frieda and the old wizard wanted to take a closer look and climbed onto the cliffs above the beach to see the storm better.
The scales fell from their eyes as they recognized a creepy face in the clouds. A face OF clouds!
The face of vikings, who were marching towards the wizards peaceful kingdom, the kingdom of Izot. The wizard is worried but brave enough to summon his nineteen wiz's and fight for pride and glory. Whereas, the Vikings want the wizard king as their slave, so that they can sacrifice it to their god Odin. It is just a matter of time in where axe and arrows will fight magic and wand.

Ship 1
Ship 3
Ship 4
Ship 5
Ship 6
Ship 7
Vikings logo

The thrilling art of @quantumg ;

I love it! The original collage was brilliant...the suggestion of storm and magic. The addition of the invading Vikings is perfect. This is how it must have seemed in the early Middle Ages when the ships appeared on the horizon. People must have fallen to their knees in prayer, and perhaps turned to wizards, hoping for a charm to ward off the imminent terror.
Very nice interpretation of the original collage. Good luck!
Thank you AG 😁 , those days were horrifying I guess. A war between old beliefs and new. @agmoore
The Vikings ships are a wonderful addition to the original lovely collage. It changes the feeling from one of grazing out to sea At the distant storm to one of apprehension and fear as the old wizard and his dog watch incoming ships of a invading horde of Vikings anxious to pillage and massacre.
Thank you Jo 😁 , Being honest original art was so brilliant that I was confused if I was up to the mark but reading your comments I'm a bit relieved 😊