Hi @agmoore.
Fascinating! You are really getting better and better in creating animations. There are so many meticulously animated details implemented in it. It's like a little animal movie.
I just love it and am very impressed!

Thanks for the interesting additional lesson on cockroaches. I have always wondered if they are useful for anything anywhere. But, of course, I old fool, once again have underestimated Mother Nature. :-)
Have a wonderful week! 👋
Hello @quantumg, You are so kind. Your critique means a lot to me. Whether the result of my effort is artful, or not, I have fun. But it is nice when the concept works. This time, I saw what I wanted to do immediately. It did develop as I made it, but the goal was always clear. That seems to work better than when I muddle through😂
Thank you for those beautiful mushrooms. Don't they look great? Your LIL pictures are always so easy to insert and always so expressive.
Thanks again for high praise. Have a great week.