Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 127 - ✨185 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Contest Link

Editing Gallery Contest Lmac. I hope you like my imagination.


Hi,,, collage lover friends wherever you are, back again with me who wants to make a collage for round 127, And Contest for All Materials organized by the #Lmac Community, and Hive - Contest for Round 127 organized by Admin community sir @shaka .

Every week I see a lot of interesting and amazing contests, where all users can write while honing their stored skills, and thank you very much for holding these very good and extraordinary contests.

For my current collage theme is "Seeing the Beauty and Happiness of Nature and Nature Users" I hope all friends like this collage contest. let's collage together while being happy with the uniqueness and desires of each of us. And hopefully we will be lucky with the prizes that are waiting there

AmRc67RgYaWTamZtjiRVK9pxDgRdg2RtnXmG5dbeGuzK3WNfkBktwpfi3UhQYZEvm5qevtes3Vq2CshrLMyBBZ1rdK7zivYUFmev7YkyywkPKYwwDCKFosx9Ti4ULXJLSRDLLsWN9ozAde3uQyYUbKPsaE274LC6.jpegContest Images by @shaka

23uFPZ5WtW1LiihbutU77xgTcz6BRQ61qPMBsceF52HTbrRzJcA1A9CRaSLXBQFN6Cwio.pngGalery Lmac by @quantumg

EokWrxHD9SoS52qjzuMWkJXLsqmrzB9cpXHoipdMQW4fWfRsVSe594Ab7QGDZxX4JKr.jpgGalery Lmac By @mballesteros

Galery Lmac By @amilcar14


23vhq7UZQUuoMhWGkH3tqNUURPh8SswKwg9GQkLy4RjvzpyFTF8Jb94xB8gXNym6QZn6j.pngGalery Lmac By @eve66

By @pixabay

By @pixabay

IMG20220525102526-01.jpegBy @lingkar-photo

Warm Greetings of Love For Friends All Around the World Collage

By @lingkar-photo

Proses editing | picsart App & Photoroom


Hi, your collage is colorful and magical.

Good luck in the finals

Thanks for using the images from the Library

Thank you @eve66, already visited me in this contest.

The parents of @quantum making a presence in your beautiful collage. success and good morning

Thank you somuch