What a lovely scene near the lake. But what's so adorable is the imagination of the boy on the rock. A flying donkey made possible by one of my fractals as its colorful wings. Looking at the face of the donkey, it looks surprised at the new addition to body. Now, it doesn't have to wade the water to get to the other side.
I like the overall theme of your collage. You turned the drab waterhole into a light and airy adventure for all. The playfulness in the elements glows. Thanks for including some of my fractals. I appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing this collage. Take care.
Thank you. I love your fractals and when I planned this collage I knew I would use some of them. They have the perfect suggestion of whimsy and magic.
I wanted to get the collage out today to emphasize that the new round had begun. Usually collages take a long time for me, but his one felt natural, and came easily.
I appreciate your support. Have a wonderful day and be well, @justclickindiva.