Hello friends, hope we all doing great. First of all i want to thank the @LMAC community and @shaka for this consistent contest. I would like to share my entry i did with the picture provided. Below is a cool picture i did.


This is the original picture


This is the work i was able to do as my entry

Below are the links to the images used
image 1:Source
image 2:Source
image 3:Source
image 4:Source
image 5:Source
image 6:Source
image 7:Source
image 8:Source
image 9:Source
image 10:Source

Thank you for viewing my entry.




Te felicito muy bonito el paisaje creado en la foto, muchas gracias por compartir tu trabajo y sin ánimos de ofender me aceptarías una sugerencia, para cuando te toque participar en otra iniciativa trata de desarrollar un poco más el tema y resaltar las características del concurso como por ejemplo las reglas a seguir, el tiempo a ejecutar, la premiación entre otros aspectos para que logres ir mejorando y perfeccionando las publicaciones, la intención es ir aprendiendo para poder ir creciendo en esta plataforma y perdurar en el tiempo, te deseo muchos éxitos amigo @johnasu. Saludos

I love the entry and the fact you use so many added png pics, I would try to do more than 94 words next time, tell us about the endresult but also market the contest more, the community , the rules etc. New readers and artists will get the picture even more

Thank you very much I really appreciate your compliments. I would do that exactly the next time. Thanks for the advice

I would edit the blog and add as much information as you can, that will make a tremendous difference

Cool design Bro.
The image tells a lot. Its like a resort center 😊.

Excellent work bro✌🏻

Wow, I love the field, the little bridge and how the collage came together, it's just beautiful