Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 131 - Our world is beautiful.

I congratulate and welcome @edgarafernandezp as this week's guest judge.

The image provided by @shaka this time is a sample of the beauty of our planet. I wanted to make a fantasy that represents how small we are in an unknown universe and how many forces fight against us.
Still, our world is beautiful.
❗️Follow the challenge here❗️


Felicito y doy la bienvenida a @edgarafernandezp como juez invitado de esta semana.

La imagen que nos suministra @shaka en esta ocasión es una muestra de la belleza de nuestro planeta. Quise hacer una fantasía que represente lo pequeños que somos en un universo desconocido y cuantas fuerzas luchan contra nosotros.
Aun así, nuestro mundo es hermoso.
❗️Sigue el reto aquí❗️

Añadir un título (16).png

OwHrIwr.jpegImagen suministrada por @shaka

Fuente Pixabay

Fuente pixabay

Contributed to the
#LIL by @justclickindiva.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @justclickindiva.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @edgarafernandezp.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @justclickindiva.

Biblioteca LIL
👉 https://www.lmac.gallery 👈
Traducción con DeepL



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 112 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

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