Hola amigos !
Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un collage con el que quiero, de alguna forma, hacer honor a la mujer.
Este ser que día a día da lo mejor de si para que en el lugar donde se desenvuelve las cosas caminen y se desarrollen de la mejor manera y que aunque no siempre se encuentre bien, siempre está dispuesta a ayudar.
Mis palabras se dirigen a aquellas mujeres que aman la vida con sus altos y bajos y que se acostumbraron a ver más allá de lo evidente.
Para ellas gracias y Bendiciones. Por acá les dejo mi Collage. Para hacerlo utilicé, en esta ocasión, imágenes de libre uso de Pixabay y una fotografía de mi autoría. Hasta un nuevo collage. Espero les encante...!
Hello friends!
Today I want to share with you a collage with which I want, in some way, to honor the woman.
This being that day by day gives the best of herself so that in the place where she develops things walk and develop in the best way and that although she is not always well, she is always willing to help.
My words are directed to those women who love life with its ups and downs and who got used to see beyond the obvious. For them, thanks and Blessings.
Here is my Collage. To make it I used, this time, free images from Pixabay and a photograph of my own. Until a new collage. Hope you love it...!

Dama rostro
flor decorativa
Dama con lentes de sol
Joven asiática
fotografía de mi autoría-cielo nocturno
Edición con Photoscape/Editing with Photoscape
This looks beautiful even by just involving women alone! The little detail of illumination behind the dark clouds is fantastic. I think this detail boosts your idea of "...love life with its ups and downs..." The collage is embracive by placing different ethnicities. On top of that the line art at the back resembles the idea of being a complex character. And for me the bouquet flowers at the front is the repetition of beauty. Very nice work @esthersanchez.
Hi @m1alsan, I am very happy for the reading you have given to my collage, nothing better expressed. I really appreciate you visiting me and leaving such a nice comment. Greetings and success!