A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 41

Hi hive lovers ...

20200619_01501201.jpegI am very happy that I can still take part in Round 41, next time I came up with a different look than before, which is the original photo from @shaka, which I combined with an image from the Pixabay application.

Pixabay source


Thanks for your contribution to the LMAC!

The next time you should consider to set the LMAC community (@hive-174695) as 20% beneficiary in your entry post. By doing so you would strongly support the LMAC, but also increase the likelihood of receiving higher upvotes from the community.

Setting a beneficiary is quite easy.

Before publishing a post you need to click on Advanced, then click on Add Beneficiaries and then add the LMAC community account hive-174695 as 20% beneficiary. Below two screenshots how it looks for peakd.com but it is basically the same process if you use hive.blog as frontend:

  • beneficiaries_1.JPG

  • beneficiaries_2.JPG

If you need further guidance don't hesitate to reply to this comment.