FreeStyle Collage Round 182 - Curious thing in itself is the weather


¡Hola Lmacians! Espero que se encuentren muy bien, hoy traigo para uds un nuevo collage de estilo libre de la ronda anterior de @lmac

Amigos, al principio quería realizar un cruce de caminos al estilo del padre del blues del Misisipi, esa sombría historia de Robert Jonhson es una gran historia, pero después pensé radicalmente en una invasión extraterrestre, pero sentí un vacío en la inmensidad del cielo, y decidí recordar un poco a Dalí con relojes derretidos.

Es una extraña obra de tres conceptos que pensé en diferentes tiempos, ejeje, ojala y les guste mucho!


Hello Lmacians! I hope you are feeling great, today I bring for you a new freestyle collage from the previous round by @lmac.

Friends, at first I wanted to make a crossroads in the style of the father of the Mississippi blues, that somber story of Robert Jonhson is a great story, but then I thought radically about an alien invasion, but I felt a void in the vastness of the sky, and decided to remember a little Dali with melted clocks.

It is a strange work of three concepts that I thought of in different times, hehe, I hope you like it a lot!

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Masterful! Great idea of representing running out of time (Johnson) with Dali. I've actually been to the crossroads. Took a trip through Mississippi back roads. Interesting.

Great collage!

Thank you very much for your words @agmore, around here we have the idea that the legend of jhon is something similar to the legend of the silbon, tales of the road, I'm glad you could appreciate my collage, greetings :)